Published inFrom one coach to anotherOne of the habits that evolved in lockdown was to allow the dog to choose (occasionally — I am…This has been a small gift of this time.Jul 22, 2020Jul 22, 2020
Published inThe art of being humanHow not to be a jackass on large group Zoom calls8 ground rules for to not be THAT ANNNOYING personApr 29, 2020Apr 29, 2020
Published inThe art of being humanOMG, this is grief… again and againThe last time I hugged a friend was over two weeks ago. It was at an art workshop over a weekend that provided a little bubble away from…Mar 31, 2020Mar 31, 2020
When old maps don’t work in the stormIn recent months, I’ve felt I have been in the centre of a storm of chaos and uncertainty that raged all around me. Relationships that I…Feb 18, 2020Feb 18, 2020
Published inFrom one coach to anotherOur job is to deeply listen. No more. No less.I’ve been reflecting on my habit to go to action when I feel under pressure. My pattern is to dial up the rational when stressed. And as…Nov 7, 2019Nov 7, 2019
Published inThe art of being humanLeading in times of insanityMy childhood was spent under the shadow of Apartheid in South Africa. In those years, the ANC, and Nelson Mandela, were considered a…Nov 7, 2019Nov 7, 2019
Published inFrom one coach to anotherWhat has you freeze like an artic penguin?As human beings, the people we work with impact us and we need to feel their energy field to do our work. But we also need to be detached…Jan 7, 2019Jan 7, 2019
Published inThe art of being humanI’ve been busy — too busy to even write this blog!Really… yes… it’s been 7 months since I managed to put together a newsletter. What happened between February and October? Did I travel…Oct 9, 2018Oct 9, 2018
Published inFrom one coach to anotherInviting the whimsical into our coaching relationshipsI enjoyed poetry at school but experienced shame as I never had the ‘right’ interpretation according to my teachers. I got through high…Mar 21, 2018Mar 21, 2018
Published inFrom one coach to anotherLet’s talk about … our imposter syndromeIn a conversation with an editor I’ve known for several years, I mentioned feeling like an imposter at times, and he look aghast. We’ve…Mar 21, 2018Mar 21, 2018