How to apply a smooth and consistent varnish finish?

2 min readOct 27, 2018


The most satisfactory wood finish for the do-it-yourselfer to apply is varnish. It is one of the most popular wood finishes and for a good reason! Most varnishes today are made of synthetic resins that dry pretty fast to form a hard surface that is invulnerable to rough wear. So, how do you apply varnish?

First things first, invest only in high-quality varnish (preferably from General Finishes) and prepare the surface before actually embarking upon the application. Keep in mind that you should never varnish in damp weather or on surfaces that are not perfectly dry. Plus, both room and varnish should be 70 degrees F or warmer. If the room is colder than 70 degrees, you can place the sealed varnish can in warm water for about an hour before using it.

General Finishes

Of course, the surface you are working on should be absolutely free of dust. For this, you can wipe the surface with a clean cloth and remove dust from cracks with a clean dry brush. Another thing you should keep in mind is to never shake the can before taking off the lid as this can result in the formation of small bubbles that will be detrimental to smoothing out a coat. Instead, hold the can in your hand and rotate gently back and forth to mix the varnish thoroughly. You should also remember that varnish sets rapidly, so when it solidifies to a point where it does not flow seamlessly, it should be thinned as directed on the label.

Now that the surface and the varnish have been prepared, you are ready for applying the finish. If you are brushing, dip the brush into the varnish less than one-third of its length and apply liberally with a minimum of brush strokes. Apply only a moderate amount of pressure on the handle and go lightly over the surface to produce a layer of smooth and uniform appearance.

After you have applied the finish, under no circumstances should the surface be rubbed with any type of abrasive until it is perfectly dry. Or else, the result will be disastrous. For best outcomes, the first thin coat should be given a minimum drying time of 24 hours, 48 hours for the second and 3 to 5 days for the third or final coat.

Just like the solvent-based General finishes Dye stains, varnishes add a protective layering to wood surfaces that will stand up to the harshness of everyday wear and tear, as well as extreme weather conditions.




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