Six Key Advantages of a Water-Based Primer Application

2 min readJul 24, 2018


Wood is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful décor elements. However, like every other material, it is susceptible to a little wear and tear every once in a while. One of the most effective methods to repair and restore the problem areas in wood is by applying a water-based primer coat on its surface.

There are six main advantages of using a high-quality water-based primer like General Finishes stain blocker, including:

It helps block stains

A water-based primer coating forms a wall to seal out just about any stain, blocking it in every way. Whether it is minor or moderate stains such as scuff marks, pencil, ink, water stains and minor rust or severe stains like major water stains, grease and even stains from fire damage, soot, and charring, a good primer application will easily cover any type of stain.

General finishes paint

It seals porous surfaces

A water-based primer application will emphasize the color and shine of your new paint job. It flushes the surface to achieve a more polished effect every time. Without priming a porous surface, it will absorb too much of the paint, leaving behind a rough appearance that will be not so much desirable. Not to mention, you will be applying more overall paint to reach desired coverage — which is less cost-efficient, of course.

It promotes adhesion

Without proper priming to provide adhesion, the paint may peel, flake, crack or blister. That being the case, you need to correctly prepare the surface before you prime in order to achieve the most favorable outcome.

It helps block and seal odors

Odors can emerge anywhere, anytime. Whether you bought a new home or you are remodeling your existing one, you would want those smells gone! With a water-based primer, it is simple to not only mask stinks but close them so they don’t return.

It helps hide previous paint

When re-painting, it is prudent to use a primer coat first. Applying a primer first helps to make sure you reach the intended final color, but it will also compel fewer coats of General Finishes paint. That is less time spent painting!

It provides a mold resistant finish

Mold growth is a familiar situation in areas where excessive humidity is present. While painting over mold would get around the difficult situation, it only suppresses it for a very brief period. It does not completely get rid of it.

Using a water-based primer for your next wood finish project will save your precious time and money. A primer coated surface covers easier, faster, and will end up demanding much less paint!




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