The benefits of staining or painting a wood surface

2 min readJun 27, 2018


Unattended wooden fences and decks can turn from a beautiful extension of your home into a dull and dreary extension. The weathering process and continued exposure to the elements (ie. stormy rain, icy snow, and extreme heat) can wreak havoc on the wood, allowing the natural openings in the wood to crack and become larger. As a result, the wood will retain too much moisture leading to rotting, warping and insect damage. Fortunately, an application of exterior wood stains or paint will seal and protect the wood, avoiding these damages.

General Finishes paint

But there’s more to staining and painting than just adding to the durability of your wood fences and decks. Applying a solid General Finishes paint also allows for more options to match or complement the exterior of a home allowing a richer looking finish. Although some may find the natural gray and weathered look of the wood attractive, it doesn’t match many nicely finished homes. It sticks out and simply looks old and faded.

You don’t have to live with the dreary, gray, tired looking wood anymore! Painting or staining of your wood is a simple process that can be completed by a professional or even by you rather quickly and affordably. It’s certainly a lot cheaper to paint or stain wood surfaces to prevent damages before they occur than it would be to start repairing or replacing these surfaces once damaged, so by all means, save yourself the time, energy and money.




We carry a broad range of paints, stains and finishes that are durable and easy to use!