Dynamism: three ways to enhance your lifestyle

6 min readMay 29, 2020


The conventional definition of dynamism states that it is “the quality of being characterized by vigorous activity and progress.” But what does dynamism mean to you, especially when looking at your physical activity? The answer to that question will definitely look different to everyone because of our individuality and our own wants and needs. In any case, we would like to help you establish some routines and goals to improve how you feel about yourself and your environment. Because for us dynamism has a lot to do with feeling good about yourself and the world around you, and there is no better way to be active than enjoying nature. And that also starts with yourself.

Our previous article suggested some ways in which we can enhance our physical activity and take the natural environment as a motivational tool to get active. We understand that practicing dynamism includes movement, but also includes other factors such as diet, and overall health and wellbeing. Here at Staiy, we have some great tips on how to incorporate this concept of dynamism in all areas you may need to promote an overall sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

Show on the outside how you feel on the inside

Alright, we know that it is not always easy to find time to treat yourself in the middle of your daily routine; there are always meetings, more or less important obligations, and an endless to-do list that gets in the way. For this reason, we want to make things easier for you. Self-care doesn’t always have to consist of a trip to the spa or something extravagant. We believe that it starts with the small things that make a big difference in your day to day routine. For example, taking even 30 min in your day to do something you love for yourself, for example, can improve your overall mood and health immensely.

Start with something simple and easy to do. One way you can start practicing self-care is taking 10 minutes either in the morning or at the end of the day to read a few pages from your favorite book. This is an excellent way to start your day with something you love and set the tone or a great way to decompress from the stresses of the day. Reading is a perfect way to take your mind somewhere else and better connect with your inner self and your interests.

When you think of self-care, you probably immediately think of something to do with a beauty routine or making yourself “feel better.” Although it may come across as a cliché, it truly is one of the best ways to implement these principles into your life and make you feel like your best self. Simple things like a facemask or taking a bath can shift your mood and instantly put you in a positive mindset. Take the time to really invest in your self-care and do the things that make you feel beautiful, strong, and inspiring.

It is important that you find as often as possible those little moments for yourself, without noise and away from those elements that remind you of the less relaxing parts of your daily life. In the end, it is all about finding what makes you feel good and has a real impact on your day. We suggest that you think of the things that make you happy and find a simple way to implement them into your routine. By creating this intimate space of communion with yourself, you will feel strengthened to face the rest of the week with energy, and you will be able to start enjoying a more dynamic life.

Connecting with your natural side

When starting to practice a healthy and dynamic lifestyle, it is essential to also highlight the importance of relaxation and concentration as catalytic elements of physical well-being. Sport also has a mental side that we should not ignore, as knowing your body will make you do your best when you are in movement. Meditation can help you prepare for an intense session of tennis or swimming in the sea, or engaging with your more natural self after riding the waves for two hours.

You can do this in complete silence or with a musical background that helps you focus, such as slow-paced, calm, and repetitive instrumental beats. Sit on the floor in a comfortable position, either on your knees or cross-legged in the lotus position. Then you can begin to breathe slowly, feeling your body and controlling each breath as you inhale and exhale; you can also close your eyes if you need to. If possible, we recommend doing this outdoors, on grass or sand, and near trees or water. You will be able to hear the melody of nature -the breeze, the waves, the soft crunch of the branches- and feel more connected with yourself and the environment.

It all starts with cooking

At this point no one doubt that diet and exercise go hand-in-hand. However, sometimes you may think that a healthy and active lifestyle is linked to eating bland salads all day, leaving aside all those tasty dishes that you love. Don’t worry about it: if you want to implement some new healthy recipes into your life, there are so many ways that you can make cooking and eating fun and exciting.

If you love to cook and experiment in the kitchen, there are so many incredible recipes that are easy to make and really delicious, and with a few ingredients, you can make healthy and satisfying breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Of course, we are aware that not all of us are master chefs, and it may seem difficult to find these recipes and find guidance on where to start in the kitchen. But that’s what we are for, and we want to give you some ideas about how to start walking this path.

One of our favorite resources at Staiy is Pinterest for healthy recipes. You can type in just about anything you can think of and we can guarantee there will be any inspiring recipes for it on there. For example, type in “healthy cake” and just like that, a recipe for a yummy low-carb protein cake will pop up. Just get creative and find ways to re-invent the recipes you already know and love, so you can add them to your dynamic lifestyle!

Another daunting aspect of cooking can be the number of groceries you need to make some of these recipes: nobody wants to go to the supermarket to buy many different things that you will only use once or twice. Sometimes it does require scouring the store aisles to find one specific spice that you have never heard of before. Luckily, there are so many services that are available to you to make this process easier. Hello Fresh, for instance, is an excellent source for you to get cooking and do it easily.

Hello Fresh is a German meal subscription service that delivers 3–5 meals a week to your door with the exact ingredients, all measured out, that you need to make some of their hundreds of different recipes. You can even choose vegan or vegetarian options for any dietary preferences you have. Besides, something we love most about Hello Fresh is their commitment to sustainability and helping the community around them: according to their 2018 Sustainability Report, they reduced their carbon emissions by 400 tonnes in the Netherlands alone because of their innovation in packaging.

As you can see, with a few tips it is very easy to complement an active and dynamic lifestyle that will soon have positive effects on your health and mood. Love yourself more, take care of your physical and mental well-being, and find in your daily life the time to be closer to nature. This way, you will soon be one step closer to the lifestyle of the future.




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