Coin Vote #3: NavCoin vs. Blocknet vs. Emercoin!

2 min readFeb 16, 2019


Congratulations to the Phore community for winning the second coin vote!

Our third free-listing community vote is between Navcoin, Blocknet, and Emercoin!

The voting interface

What is the coin vote?

Every 1–2 weeks will be holding a vote between a number of coins. The coin that receives the most votes will be listed for free! You can read more about our listing procedures here.

How do I vote?

  1. Login/sign-up at
  2. Navigate to the “Coin Vote” tab (
  3. Select the coin you want listed, verify, and submit!

What is NavCoin?

NavCoin is an open-source, blockchain based Proof of Stake cryptocurrency. Its design is public, nobody owns or controls NavCoin, and everyone can take part. It’s a platform that’s run by its users, for its users — with an incentivized network of nodes verifying payments all around the world. Learn more at

What is Blocknet?

Blocknet is a 2nd layer blockchain interoperability protocol that enables communication, interaction, and exchange between different blockchains. This allows for the development of multi-chain applications and blockchain microservices, creating exponentially more capabilities and possibilities for the blockchain ecosystem. Learn more at

What Is Emercoin?

Emercoin is a blockchain platform. Since 2013 it has developed a wide range of easy-to-use dSDKs. dSDK (Decentralized Software Development Kit) is a set of software development tools that allows the creation of software, services and solutions. Emercoin offers services that have a potential to change the way different industries operate, providing means for data protection, secure storage of information, and creation of distributed services. Learn more at

What is Stakebase?

Stakebase is the first staking-focused exchange allowing users to stake their coins while they trade. Our full live trading and staking launch is targeted for Q1 2019. Join now to receive 25% reduced fees, vote for coins, and get paid to grow the Stakebase community with our 2-tier referral program!

Sign-up now before our launch to receive 25% reduced fees!

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