Kava / KAVA Staking Guide

Put your KAVA to work today!

3 min readDec 17, 2019

The Kava mainnet officially launched on November 15, 2019 at 9 AM EST (14:00 UTC).

To delegate your KAVA to Staked, please use the following validator addresses:


There is a 21 day unbonding process for staked KAVA during which delegator KAVA do not earn rewards and cannot be transferred, exchanged or spent. KAVA can however be slashed during the unbonding period.

Delegation is non-custodial and delegates cannot spend your KAVA. Staked pays 90% of the block rewards to delegates, and offers the industry’s only 100% SLA on block production.

Instructions for delegating KAVA are included on page three below.

Key Risks

Kava’s staking model uses “hard slashing”, which means that customer funds are at risk of being slashed in the event of a) double-signing blocks and b) extended validator downtime. Slashing risks are further detailed on You could lose a portion, or potentially all of your investment by participating in staking. Consider the risks and choose a validator carefully.


Built on Tendermint consensus, Kava is the first cross-blockchain DeFi platform. BTC, ATOM, and other crypto assets can be used as collateral on the platform to mint USDX stablecoin. KAVA is the native staking token of the Kava network.

Staking Token Economics: (12/17/19)

Holders of KAVA are able to vote on proposals to change the blockchain, as well as system parameters. KAVA holders are able to delegate their voting rights to validators in exchange for transaction fees and stability fees. Validators govern the Kava network and vote in proportion to the KAVA they hold and are delegated.

Staking Instructions (CLI)

  1. Configure kvcli to connect to the Staked Kava full-node with the command below.
kvcli config node kava.staked.cloud:26657
configuration saved to /root/.kvcli/config/config.toml

2. Delegate your KAVA to Staked with the command below. (Note: the command below it to delegate 5 KAVA).

kvcli tx staking delegate kavavaloper1dntlhrw3jrej6ssdp64yfmkkz08ykyx4n7hphh
5000000ukava --from <name-of-key> --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas-prices 0.25ukav
a --chain-id kava-2

Congratulations! You have now successfully delegated KAVA to Staked.

Have questions about getting started? Find time to speak here or reach out to cole@staked.us.

About Staked

Staked helps institutional investors reliably and securely compound their crypto by 5% — 100% annually through staking and lending. Staked runs validation nodes for proof-of-stake currencies and offers access to on- and off-chain lending options that provide an annualized yield of in-kind currency. Staked’s investors include Pantera Capital, Digital Currency Group, Coinbase Ventures, Winklevoss Capital, ParaFi Capital, Fabric Ventures, Global Brain, and other leading crypto investors.

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Staked operates highly available and highly secure, institutional grade staking infrastructure for all of the leading proof-of-stake (PoS) protocols.