Trust-Less 2020 Summit Videos — Part 1

1 min readFeb 2, 2020


More: Part 2, Part 3 (workshops)

How Proof of Stake Blockchains Work — Luke Youngblood
Costs / Rewards Calculator: The Basics (Terminology & Walkthrough Of Tools) — Richard Li (Co-Founder of Certus.One)
Approaches to Validator Security — Luke Youngblood
What Makes A Good Network Custodian: Discussion On Incentive Alignment — Panel. With Sunny Aggarwal (Researcher at Tendermint, Founder of Sikka), Konstantin Richter (CEO of BlockDaemon), and Marek Olszewski (Co-Founder of Celo)
A Deep Dive Into Proof Of Stake (PoS) Validator Security & Attack Vectors — Hendrik Hofstadt (Co-Founder of Certus.One)
Democratizing Staking So That Anyone (Not Just Institutions) Can Participate —Panel. With Konstantin Richter (CEO of BlockDaemon), Sunny Aggarwal (Researcher at Tendermint), and Chris Remus (Founder of Chainflow)
How To Acquire Stake: The Different Profiles Of Stakers (Community, Funds, & Service Providers) — Konstantin Richter (CEO of BlockDaemon)
An Intro to PoS Protocols: Meet Celo & NuCypher
An Intro to PoS Protocols: Meet Skale & Coda
An Intro to PoS Protocols: Meet Althea & Matic
Should Your VC Fund Stake Or Run A Validator? — Panel. With John Fiorelli (Kenetic), Peter Yang (Fenbushi), and Alex Felix (Coinfund)
Decentralization: Metrics & Methodology For Determining The Health Of A Blockchain Network — Mally Anderson and Everett Muzzy (ConsenSys).
How To Identify Which Proof-Of-Stake Networks Are Worth Mining (Being A Validator For) — Luke Youngblood
IDEO on Doubling Down: Offering Additional Services with Validation — Panel. With Dan Elitzer (IDEO Co-Lab), Michael O’Rourke (CEO of Pocket Network), Yaniv Tal (Project Lead at Graph Protocol)
Validator Tooling: Innovations On UX — Panel. With Gavin McDermott (IDEO Co-Lab), Lorien Gabel (Founder of Figment Networks), Michael Reinhart (Product Owner at Obsidian Systems)
Incentivized Testnets: Learnings From Past Competition Winners (Case Studies) — Panel. With Zaki Manian (Director of Tendermint Labs), Junsoo (“JK”) Kim (Operations at Stakefish), Adrian Brink (Co-Founder of Cryptium Labs)
A Candid Discussion On The Future Of Staking-As-A-Service: Exchanges, 0% Fees, and Centralization — Panel. With Felix (Chorus.One), Awa (Cryptium Labs), Sunny (Tendermint), and Julien (Stake Capital)

