Holding Objects

3 min readSep 29, 2021


Hej! I’m Toyvn. I like touching things; making useful things with my hands.

Not long ago I sat drinking a coffee on a sunny bench in the Lower East Side when a woman sat down next to me — a respite from carrying her groceries. She said, “give me your hand,” and I gave one to her. She turned it over and back, smoothed out the wrinkles of my palm and traced the lines of it with her finger. She told me things.

Not long after, hands began to multiple from my hands. On paper with markers, from paper with scissors, from vinyl, and felt. When I am stuck, hands emerge and offer themselves as a meditative space to focus.

I stack them, sew them, align, turn, tack, stick, and pin them. Here and there, and there, there’s another and another, left, right, palm up, palm down, a hand over hand.

For my 3D Modeling & Fabrication course, I will use the hand as a motif.

1. Finger Bag

I’ve been sewing “finger bags” and giving them to friends. I think it would be cool to make hand panels and find a way to sew or crochet them together.

Pink Acrylic, Woven Strap, Knit Edging

2. Lamp

Not really sure how this might work, but I’ve been interested in making lamps for a while now. It could be cool if this one opened and closed / turned on and off. Of course, the bulb couldn’t be so big, but I could imagine a small LED light connected inside of the palm that turns on when the connection is broken.

Acrylic and Plywood LED Lamp

3. Stool

I love short stools and small tables, especially because I often work close to the ground. I’d love to make a series of them so that when a person sits down they sit into an open pair of hands.

Plywood Short Stool-Table w/ Acrylic Inlay

4. Chandelier

Acrylic Panels with LED Electronics Components

5. Salt Cellar

I like the simplicity of these two different pairs of hands coming together and holding something precious in the center.

Plywood, Acrylic, Metal Pin

