In a world of magic and mythical races, two powerful families of human magicians wage a war that has lasted for a thousand years. But as the paths of several individuals cross, alliances are formed and betrayals are revealed. Can they overcome their differences and work together to overthrow the tyrannical rule of the strongest family and bring peace to their world?

Heir to the Void

M. A. R. Xander
11 min readFeb 28, 2023


Chapter One: A fleeting encounter.

Between the darkness of the night and the roar of the storm , there was a child who had not yet reached the age of seven. He was crawling with difficulty, carrying a bundle of cloth wrapped in a sophisticated manner. It seemed that the burden was heavy on him, but despite this, the child looked determined to hold on to this bundle as if it was his life.

He fell on his knees several times and stopped to catch his breath more times. Despite his falls, he continued on his journey, and despite the cold and the snow that covered his face, he kept moving forward. Perhaps death had already come for him, perhaps he was supposed to die here, as no one had ever survived such a storm in this form before.

Finally, the child stopped walking and stood looking around as if he was waiting for someone to appear, but no one came out of the darkness. The boy surrendered and stopped waiting and expecting, then sat next to a bent tree and started crying. The cold made it seem as if his tears were freezing as soon as they left his eyes. No one knew what this child had gone through, and no one was there to ease his pain.

Suddenly, without warning, the cloth in the child's hand moved and a small head emerged from inside. It was a small baby who had not completed his first year. The baby looked at the child who was crying, then put his hand on his face as if he wanted to comfort him. The baby had wide golden eyes that looked at the child. Quickly, the child wiped his tears and smiled, saying: "I'm sorry (Leo), for crying at this time. Our mother entrusted everything to me, so I won't cry anymore. I'll take care of you."

The baby smiled before his body began to shiver. Quickly, the child wrapped the cloth around the baby again and placed him next to him. "Stay here, I'll get something and come back quickly," he said. After a few minutes, the child returned carrying some dry wood that would definitely not catch fire easily. He found his little brother in the same place and still alive. He then thought that he never found his little brother crying until the day of his birth, and even in these conditions. The child approached his brother and began to neatly stack the wood. Then he sat next to the wood and began to blow into it. Suddenly, fire came out of the child's mouth and lit the wood. The child felt the blood flow back into him and flowed freely through his body because of the heat. The child turned to his baby brother and said, "Come on, let's warm you up."

Then he quickly went to him, nicely took off the cloth and brought him close to the fire, then placed him inside the fire's circle. The flames surrounded the baby's body from all directions as if they were embracing him. The baby started laughing and looked at his brother. Quickly, his brother entered the fire with him and felt his strength return and his spirit come back to him. The child said, "I've gathered enough wood for the mornin, let's sleep here." Then he looked at the sky, "I hate the night" he said and thought, maybe because (Eglin) does not appear at night and the light of the moon does not match his light and heat. If we were not from (Geldorn), perhaps we would all be dead by now. He looked again at his little brother and his golden eyes, he had the same eye color as his brother, and their mother also had this color, and maybe that's why she may be dead now.

During their sleep, the child started tossing and turning inside the fire and he murmured in his sleep: "Mom... mom" until morning came and he woke up to find (Leo) still asleep. He left him to sleep peacefully and began to explore the area around them. They appeared to be surrounded by many, many trees. There was also a river nearby. It seemed that there were not many animals here due to the snow, but he might find some moon rabbits or even some weak monsters. Suddenly, a white rabbit appeared in front of him, emerging from the snow. The child's stomach started making a hungry noise, he thought, he must do something. He slowly approached the rabbit and tried to catch it, but the rabbit noticed and ran away.

The child loved animals deeply and couldn't bear the thought of harming one. But as he returned to his brother empty-handed, he knew that he had to find a way to feed him. His brother was weak and in need of nourishment to survive. The child knew that he had to make a difficult decision, he had to hunt and kill an animal to feed his brother.
The environment around them was harsh and unforgiving, the snow was deep and the wind was biting. The trees were tall and imposing, casting long shadows over the landscape. The river nearby was frozen over, and the only signs of life were the occasional prints of animals in the snow. The child knew that finding food would not be easy, but he was determined to do whatever it takes to save his brother.
He set out again, this time with the ability to harness fire....

The child followed the tracks of the rabbit as it ran through the forest, carefully tracking its footprints in the snow. His heart was heavy with the knowledge of what he was about to do, but he knew it was necessary. The rabbit was fast and agile, darting in and out of the trees, but the child was determined, never giving up on catching the rabbit.

Finally, after a long and exhausting chase, the child caught up to the rabbit. It was panting and exhausted, and it had nowhere left to run. The child approached it, his heart racing with conflicting emotions. He knew he had to kill the rabbit to feed his brother, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He looked into the rabbit's eyes and saw the fear and desperation there, and he knew that he couldn't take the life of this innocent creature.

He picked up the rabbit, and instead of killing it, he cradled it in his arms, feeling its heart beating against his chest. He felt a deep sadness and guilt for having chased it and for having intended to kill it. he had to find another way to feed his brother. He carried the rabbit , and released it into the wild, watching as it disappeared into the trees.

As he made his way back to the starting point to search for another way to find food, he noticed a white fox approaching the river. He stopped to watch as the fox cautiously approached the river, bent down, and looked closely. Suddenly, its body started to ripple and change shape, turning into a large beast with sharp claws that shattered the ice. Then, the creature changed again, this time becoming a huge white eagle with piercing blue eyes that reflected its intelligence.

The eagle swooped down into the water and emerged victorious, with a large fish securely clasped in its talons. It then alighted near the riverbank, The boy was awestruck by the scene before him. He had never encountered such a remarkable creature and was filled with wonder. Then, his amazement turned to fear when he noticed that the creature was aware of his presence. Its piercing blue eyes fixed upon the boy, and in a split second, it transformed into a massive white tiger, poised and ready to pounce.

The creature underwent a rapid transformation. Its legs straightened, ending in sharp points, and its eyes became even brighter, turning a vibrant yellow. Its limbs thickened and took on a more feral appearance, with claws sprouting from its fingertips. Its body contorted, sloping downward, as it launched into a chase after the boy.
The child attempted to flee, but stumbled and fell in the snow. As he looked back, he saw the creature had already closed in on him. It was not just the claws and fangs that filled him with dread, but a wave of fear and despair that washed over him.

The child felt as though his very essence was being stripped away. His breathing quickened, his heartbeat skyrocketed, and he felt a coldness seep through his body. The world around him became a dark void, but the sensation faded as quickly as it had come. He found himself looking up at the creature, which now had piercing blue eyes and the appearance of a man in his thirties, with white hair and piercing blue eyes.

The man spoke, "Your name is Kelly, correct?" The child nodded, still in disbelief. The man continued, "Excellent. Now then, Kelly, why is it that you still draw breath?"

Kelly was at a loss for an answer. He wondered if he had survived because the creature had decided not to kill him. But as if reading his mind, the man replied, "No, not because I let you go. I don't take human lives by force; simply being near me is sufficient to end their existence.

Kelly was struck with fear once more. He had already felt as though he was on the verge of death when the creature first approached him, and even now, he was still grappling with the aftermath of that terror, Even now, his breathing and heart rate remained unsteady. Mustering his bravery, he asked, "Are you a shapeshifting human?"

The man tilted his head with amusement and replied, "No, I am not human. I am a shapeshifting animal."

"Tell me, do you like fish?"
Kelly answered, "Yes," but the man shook his head, "What I meant was, do you like to eat fish?"
Kelly replied, "No," and his eyes widened in surprise. The man spoke, as if anticipating this response
: "Listen, You have two choices before you . Either accept my mercy and take the fish; it's already dead, or I'll kill you here and then go kill your brother."

As soon as Kelly heard the mention of his brother's name, his breathing became faster, his heart rate increased, and his muscles tensed. The snow around him started to rapidly melt, and the man took notice, wondering what he was up against.

His breath came out in hot bursts, and his hair transformed into a vibrant hue of red and gold, as if mirroring the colors of the rising sun. The stranger remained fixed in place, observing the scene with a curious gaze. Finally, he spoke:

"I must confess my error in judgment. You are not of human origin, are you? Your presence here intrigues me, as I detect in you the unmistakable aura of a Heliolatry descendant. Should you not be dwelling near the eastern volcanoes?"

Kelly lowered his head for a moment, then said firmly, "That's none of your concern."

The stranger was taken aback by the sudden shift in the child's demeanor and the way his hair glowed like the sun. He stepped back, saying, "Who said I intended to interfere? You have absolute freedom to live and die in this place. Besides, I don't have much love for Heliolatry."

He gazed up at the blazing sun and continued, "Your sun-worshipping culture believes that everything is more beautiful when it's consumed by fire. I bet you will like me more when I'm on charcoal!"

After hearing the man's words, Kelly felt torn between agitation and caution, yet he remained attentive: "I believe I've encountered some of their kind before. I assure you, their flavor is still fresh in my memory, and unfortunately, I must say that the taste of your people is acrid!"

At that moment, Kelly discerned the man's intentions, and his wariness prevailed over his agitation. He took a step back and declared, "I don't care."

The man looked puzzled, prompting Kelly to continue, "There's nothing that ties me to that place anymore. I don't care what happens to it or the people there. My only concern is my brother. So stay away from us if you know what's good for you."

The man's visage contorted with irritation, and abruptly, Kelly collapsed to the ground, unsure of what had transpired until he glimpsed the man's countenance, whose eyes had returned to blue.

The man advanced towards Kelly, whose legs trembled involuntarily, and told him, "Repeat what you just said!"

Kelly pondered, 'Who would be so foolish as to reiterate their words in the presence of this beast?' Then it dawned on him that he was that foolish individual!

The boy's voice quivered as he spoke, "I'm warning you, if you get close to my brother, I'll..." Before he could finish his sentence, a sharp object collided with his side, sending him hurtling through the air. He felt a crushing pain in his ribs, as if they were about to snap like twigs. He crashed down into the snow, his breath knocked out of him.

For a moment, the world spun around him, and he couldn't make sense of what was happening. Was it a rock? A spear? His mind raced with fear and confusion. Then, he saw the man standing over him, his face contorted with rage. It was just a kick!

The man bent down gently over him and whispered, "Repeat what you just said."
Kelly felt a shiver run down his spine, but he stood his ground with steely determination. "I said..." he began, but before he could finish, the man lunged forward and kicked him hard in the face. Pain exploded across Kelly's features as he soared through the air once again. He landed hard in the snow, and a sharp, metallic taste filled his mouth. He tried to stand, but his legs refused to cooperate. Something warm trickled down his face, and he realized it was blood. With shaking fingers, he reached up to his nose, feeling a sharp ache as he touched his face. The man had cut his cheek with the force of the kick.

The man closed in on Kelly once again, his voice low and dangerous. "Repeat what you just said," he demanded.

Kelly's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to summon the courage to answer, but fear had taken hold of him, and his mouth refused to form the words. The man waited, and the seconds ticked by like hours, yet Kelly remained silent. The man's expression grew darker, and Kelly braced himself for another blow.

But then, something unexpected happened. The man suddenly clapped his hands together, his eyes lighting up with a bright smile. "Well done," he said, his voice suddenly cheerful.

Kelly stared up at him in confusion, wondering if he was dreaming. Had the man really just complimented him? He couldn't believe it. Was the man letting him off the hook, or was this some kind of sick game? He didn't know.

Kelly turned his head to face the man, his face covered in blood. The man's words stung him like a slap in the face. "If you were a foolish hero in a story, maybe your determination would help you," the man taunted. "But this is reality. If you continued to defy me, it would have ended up with me killing you."

The man was right. This wasn't some fairy tale where the hero always triumphed. This was reality, where pain was real, and death was final. He couldn't afford to be reckless or foolish. Slowly, Kelly nodded his head, acknowledging the man's words. He couldn't disagree. There was only one chance at life, and he couldn't waste it on pride or bravado.

The man continued speaking, his voice dripping with contempt. "And one more thing, kid. Never make threats that you can't live up to. It makes you look weak and foolish. Got it?"

Kelly lowered his head, and the man laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. "Aw, look at you. Are you sad about this?" He gestured at Kelly's battered face. "It's just a few scratches. You'll be back to normal in a couple of days."

Kelly gritted his teeth, When he raised his face again, the man was still there, watching him with a cold, appraising gaze. "Okay, maybe it's not just a few scratches," he said with a smirk. "But you'll live. For now, anyway."

