Is Ruby about to enter its Renaissance phase?

Stan Bright
1 min readJul 6, 2017


Photo credit: Agile Web Development with Rails 5.1 (book cover)

This is not a story. It’s an opinion. It’s a feeling. It’s something I’d love to see what other fellow Ruby devs think…

I have the feeling of Ruby entering into a Renaissance phase. It seems like many people who tried different technologies, with the promise of being more productive, have only realised that Ruby and Rails are still among the best tools for building great web apps in a productive manner. In most cases, whatever the technology, you just can’t beat Rails’ belief system and its convention over configuration.

Imagine going to a restaurant with hundreds of items into the menu. How do you think you’d have a better experience — Choosing the best combo of 5 items yourself (JavaScript) or choosing one of the 3 predefined (by the master-chef) menu-sets (Rails)?

Maybe, just maybe, we only need the spark of Ruby 3. Time will tell…

p.s. I’d highly recommend watching the opening Keynote by DHH at RailsConf 2017. He is talking about Rails’ belief-system and the restaurant relation.

p.p.s. Ruby and Rails are still great and viable technologies

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Stan Bright

Software Engineer. Founder of LibHunt, SaaSHub & EarlyRisersHub. Ruby on Rails expert. Elixir enthusiast.