Advertising Platforms

Morgan Stahl
3 min readApr 12, 2018


The easiest and fastest way to share a message with a massive number of audience is advertising.

Today ad networks have become thousands of times smarter and there are a million ways you can target so that your message gets to the just right people.

Here is just a fraction of that how the best ad networks work and how you can use them.

  1. Facebook Ads

As you know Facebook is the biggest Social Network in the world with an average of 25.5 Billion visits per month, average session duration of 16 minutes and 5 seconds and an estimate of 14.36 scrolls per visit.

Exactly because of those numbers and the ability to collect data Facebook Ads is, in my opinion, the most powerful ad network right now. So if you don’t use it for marketing purposes you should learn how and start immediately!

There are many types of ads you can place on Facebook based on where are the users you are targeting in your marketing funnel.

The ad types speak for themselves but I will try to explain them better with a few words.


  • Increase brand awareness — This type of ad is to be used when you just want to reach as many people as you want so they learn about your brand
  • Reach is optimised in the way that you get the maximum amount of exposure you can get for your money.


  • Traffic — One of the most used Ad types by Facebook Marketers. What it does is that it sends traffic to your website and by default, it’s targeted to people that are more likely to click on your ad.
  • Engagement — this type of objective is used and optimised for you to get the maximum amount of engagements with your ad (post) for the money you are paying. Engagements include likes (reactions), comments, shares, clicks (on a link, or button, or the name of the page, basically any click) and video views.
  • App installs — If you want to drive users to install your app this is the type of ad you should be placing.
  • Get Video Views — One of the most powerful types of ads in my opinion not just because video on Facebook has exploded but you can create Audiences of people based on how long they watched a certain video! This is great because you can create amazing automated funnels based on how people engage with your content!
  • Collect leads for a business — Another super powerful type of ad that is very underestimated by businesses. You see Conversion rates on landing pages have a lot of variables one of which is the speed of the page. With this type of Facebook ad, you can collect a lead directly on Facebook without the user even leaving.Of course most of the times the user has to receive something in return so you can send him to a thank you page that is off Facebook. After you have his email you can use it via integration with some of the biggest email CRMs or just download it and use it however you want. No spam of course!
  • Messages 2017 was the year of introducing chatbots to businesses. Facebook is really trying to be a pioneer in this and so far they are succeeding. This type of ad encourages people to send messages to your business. With the Facebook Messenger SDK, you are able to create a bot which will show users content based on what they have messaged you. For example, you can give them some kind of discount, show them a carousel of products, play them a video etc. If you don’t have a chatbot you will have to chat with the user yourself. This has proven to be a very profitable Ad type for many advertisers.

Read the entire Advertising Platforms where it was originally published here.



Morgan Stahl

Has a passion for anything marketing related. He loves to consume all kinds of interested content from youtube, blogs, and facebook.