The Social Life of Information; KM aggregators; How to share large files online

Stan Garfield
2 min readJun 24, 2015

16-May-06 Archive of Weekly KM Blog by Stan Garfield

KM Books

The Social Life of Information by John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid

Published in 2000 and reissued in paperback with revisions in 2002, The Social Life of Information attempts to clear some of hype about the “information age,” and to offer alternative ways of thinking about the future.

Several of the chapters are available online and can be reached from the Table of Contents.

  • Introduction: Tunneling Ahead
  1. Chapter 1: Limits to Information
  2. Chapter 2: Agents and Angels
  3. Chapter 3: Home Alone
  4. Chapter 4: Practice Makes Process
  5. Chapter 5: Learning — in Theory and in Practice
  6. Chapter 6: Innovating Organization, Husbanding Knowledge
  7. Chapter 7: Reading the Background
  8. Chapter 8: Re-education
  • Afterword: Beyond Information

KM Links

KM Aggregators, Tags, and Collections serves as an aggregator of knowledge management blog sites that provide RSS/Atom feeds. It’s a labor-of-love aimed to be a hub of knowledge for KM researchers and practitioners.

Technorati is the authority on what’s going on in the world of weblogs. A tag is like a subject or category. This page shows blog posts, photos, and links that have been tagged Knowledge Management. provides an intuitive, easy way to find the targeted news that is relevant to you. is a collection of favorites — yours and everyone else’s.

Blogdigger blogs that write primarily about knowledge management

KM Questions

Q: I want to share a file larger than 5 Mb, but I am running into space limits in Yahoo! Groups files. Is there a free service which will allow me to upload large files for others to download?

A: Here is an article that lists available services: How to share large files online

I successfully used a free file hosting service for my recent presentation to KM Chicago. The file is 5.82 Mb which exceeded the Yahoo! Groups limit. After uploading it, I added a link to it on the Links page of the KM Chicago site.



Stan Garfield

Knowledge Management Author and Speaker, Founder of SIKM Leaders Community, Community Evangelist, Knowledge Manager