GSoC Week 7 @OpenMRS

Stanila Andrei
1 min readJul 16, 2019


This week i was focused on getting the thumbnail and gallery in a working state and making it more like the previous one. Fixed a lot of things like the display (it was vertical). There are still some things to be wire together but the functionality and the look is there. The gallery is working well. It uses sagas and returns a thumbnail for each uuid from the REST. The thumbnails will put the metadata and the attachment in the store after they verify if the attachment doesn’t exists or if is outdated.

I created a thumbnailRest mock for test purposes, it returns a object that represents metadata for an attachment. I need to write the tests for reducers, actions and sagas. The tests for sagas are the hardest ones because you have to use the mock implementation of the rest and you also have to use a saga tester. I will make it looking at the tests for other components. Also I have to take a snapshot of the thumbnail to make sure that everything is rendering perfectly and i don’t break something when I work on it.

I also need to put the right icons and make them the right size. This is what i’m doing now. In the close future I will probably move to other testing environment because the pihmalawi server is causing problems and my linux is freezing and i have to restart.

