Why companies are starting to do Green Marketing?

Stanislav Farkas
2 min readDec 15, 2019


Plant tree and you will win. That’s how we could call this article. Two different brands two same ideas.

Be eco-friendly is a trend nowadays, that’s why more and more companies are starting to do Green Marketing.

In this article, we will speak about how Osprey copied the successful marketing campaign of a tentree.

Keep reading, and you will get into one of the most successful marketing strategies.

girl in the forest wearing tentree hoodie


Canadian brand tentree is a sustainable, accessible and comfortable clothing brand. Their main idea is to plant ten trees for each product you buy.

Earlier of 2019, they managed to make one of the most successful campaigns in Instagram history.

The whole strategy was based on, that for every 10 Instagram likes, they will plant one tree.

“The most liked tentree Instagram post.”

The result was that during 5 days, their post generated more than 15 million likes and gained more than 400 000 new followers. Also, they increased their traffic to their U.S site by like 200%.

Man standing on the rock with Osprey backpack


American brand Osprey was born in California. Osprey produces high-quality backpacks that are used from mountain climbers to travelers.

Everybody knows Black Friday but what about Green Friday? This year Osprey decided to do a campaign called Green Friday.

During a one-week-long campaign from the 29th of November until the 6th of December, they decided to plant two trees for every order placed on their web page ospreyeurope.com. Osprey on this campaign partnered with The World Land Trust — an organization with over 30 years of conservation experience.

Sounds familiar? Right! This campaign was very similar to the one which did tentree.

Green Friday marketing campaign by Osprey

There are no results from the Osprey — Green Friday campaign yet. Whether it was or wasn’t successful, we can just wander for now!

What do you think, was Osprey’s strategy that viral as tentree? Will more companies start to do Green Marketing? Let me know in the comment.

If you would like to get more insights about the tentree campaign, then check the article or listen to the podcast by Buffer, where they spoke about this historical moment with the tentree marketing team.



Stanislav Farkas

Traveler and Inbound Marketing Freelancer. Sharing my experience through my personal brand FASTraveller.