How I started building e-commerce brands

Top 10 Everything
4 min readMay 14, 2020


I’d love to start telling you how I’m making thousands of dollars dropshipping products from China but I’d prefer to start from how it all began when I knew nothing about dropshipping

I was scrolling through my instagram feed a few months back looking for an online hustle I could start when I saw a shopify sales screenshot

I knew people were making a lot of money online but I wasn’t sure how

So I decided to dig deeper and I found some YouTube gurus who were teaching people how to dropship products from China with facebook ads

For those who don’t know what dropshipping is — it is a business model where you position yourself as a middleman through an online store and sell products you’ve probably haven’t seen for huge profits

I was so intrigued to see 20 year olds making $10,000 a month doing this simple business

And from that moment I knew nothing was going to stop me from building my own online store

I did some light research and jumped into the Shopify platform a week later to build swimsuit store

I didn’t even do any product research because I had no idea what a product research was back then but swimsuits had to sell right? It was summer after all

It took me two weeks to complete the store and I launched my first facebook ad the next day

The gurus on YouTube had already said you just need to launch your ad and you’ll start getting sales

But It was a disaster!

I barely had link clicks talk-less of purchases

Looking back at the creative, ad copy and the store, there was no way I was going to be successful with dropshipping if I had continued like that

But my biggest asset was my mindset

I’ve always believed that as long someone else was doing it successfully, I will do it successfully too.

So I dusted my failure off my coat and started building my second store two days later

It was a health and fitness store and I completed it in less than 4 days

Faster yeah?

But something deep inside me still told me I was going to waste another ad budget on facebook ads

So I decided to submit the store for a review in a Shopify experts community

And I was right, I was heading towards another disaster

They sent me an audit and an expert to guide me

I’m forever grateful to that guy because he made me realize that running a successful e-commerce brand wasn’t as simple as the gurus on YouTube make it seem

I realized I was in a hurry to get rich overnight and needed to slow down to learn properly

So I started gathering resources all over again

I watched every single video on building branded stores on YouTube

Studied how the top e-commerce brands built their online stores

Reached out to the notable and trustworthy gurus for any advice I could get

Studied and understood their marketing strategies

I also want to appreciate Ads Alchemist on Twitter because he taught me a lot about facebook ads

3 months later I decided to build my new store

This time I had done a proper product research, knew what a branded store should look like and most importantly — I had a definite marketing strategy

I launched my ads and my new store did 7 sales at $89 per sale in the first week!

I made $2,300 in profit before selling the store on Flippa for $3,500 because I wasn’t feeling the niche

I built another one a week later following the same procedures and I had 5 sales at $50/sale on the first day!

That was when I knew I was unto something great, everything changed because I had taken my time to learn and implement

But unfortunately I had to pause the entire operation because the corona virus had just broken out in China and suppliers were closed

It’s 5 months later now and it’s time for project restart

I’ll be buying my products in bulk from China to a warehouse in the US where they’ll be re-branded and available for faster shipping

I plan on scaling this new store to the moon and the best part is that I’ll be documenting everything here!

So stay tuned if you’ve ever thought about building an e-commerce brand in the future

I’ll be showing you how I did my product research in my next post, you don’t want to miss it.



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