An IT View of Human Evolution

Stanley Suen
5 min readAug 12, 2018

Gordon Moore, the guy who’s ideas ultimately became “Moore’s law”, had a vision of a future back in 1965 where “integrated circuits [would] lead to such wonders as home computers … automatic controls for automobiles, and personal portable communications equipment.” This is great insight even back in 1965 realised today. If computing was the major trend from 60s to today, what will it be like from this point forward?

For my career in IT & media and personal investment, I have been constantly searching for businesses enabled by technologies to compete (now the new terms disrupt) with competitors. At first I looked for the player who could really drive a lot of revenue and profit from other players. In the process I had to think how technologies will transform business, industry practices and cut away old and inefficient practice. If there is one trend I can observe since my career started in 80’s, computers are getting more and more powerful while the size of the computer is getting smaller and smaller. Network came along. Initially it was proprietary Local Area Network and Wide Area Network but open standard Internet came alone and make every computing devices working together! Now we have the terms IoT, Cloud connected by Internet and AI. These are the new factors that will significantly transform our future.



Stanley Suen

Digital Product Development. Social Network Markter. Active Stock Investor.