Beautiful Kelly Tremper

3 min readOct 30, 2023


So beautiful inside and out. She suffered so much abuse in her life, yet she found the strength and courage to keep going. What she ever saw in Tremper is beyond me, but I guess the heart wants what the heart wants. The more I read in Kellys journals the more I am convinced he did not realize what he had with Kelly except her money. She documented asking him how he sleeps at night knowing the hurt he inflicts. His response, “ I sleep very well, I have crafted my art of learning what women like and want to hear” Kelly wrote, in that moment she realized she gave up everything to be with Steve Tremper and felt used and abused. Kelly and Morticia side by side, no contest.

Once I had left my then Husband, Steve and I had an idyllic life, or so I thought. Initially I was free from abuse and beatings, but the worst was yet to come. My Husband decided to sell our home after me being gone for only 2 weeks. He put a stop on my bank account and tried to flush me out to return. But I was free and it felt nice to not live in fear anymore. Steve kept is eye on the realestate to see when my home got sold. It only took a few weeks when Steve checked online and saw it was sold. What he said next floored me. He said I had to go back to receive my share or else I would loose it. I knew instantly what that meant, that I would be punished with more beatings. I felt my broken body couldn’t take anymore. However I booked my flight and attempted a return. I got as far as Atlanta on the day and couldn’t go any further. I managed to get a flight back to Raleigh and waited another couple of weeks before trying again. This time I managed the whole journey with the fear I might not survive another beating. My Husband was at the airport when I arrived. He dragged me through the airport outside and slapped me so hard at the side of my head,I actually saw stars. No one offered any help. We got to the car and I got in wondering what happens next. All I wanted was to be back with Steve happy and protected. My Husband had activated the child locks on the car and I was trapped. He punched me, kept thrusting my head onto the dash board, I felt my ribs crack once again and I decided that I would just relax and let him kill me. My nose bled, my lip was split, my gums bled, my ears bled and he broke my fingers. Eventually it was over and I was still alive. He drove home and helped me inside. I planned my escape back to Steve but had to wait until I healed or at least close. I transferred my share of the house $100.000 to my bank account and had $10,000 cash on me. I caught a plane and arrived back in USA. I actually met Steve in Las Vegas for Mid Winter barbershop convention. Steve met me at the airport and we got to out hotel. We met Larry and Becky Reinhart who said “Hi Kelly” I felt special and accepted. I gave Steve the $10.000 I had brought with me and over the course of the next few months I transferred the $100.000 to his bank account which enabled us to purchase Great Lake Drive and buy furniture and paint, ladders, new stainless steel power point sockets, silver door handles and kitchen cupboard door handles and so on. My happiness was not to be though once I saw Steve’s computer just a few short months after our wedding. Even the night before our wedding he was on the hunt looking for a playmate. I was heartbroken and had I not seen his computer I would never have known the extent of it. By this time I was already dealing with the attacks from Let’s Sing and Wives and some barbershop Wives and I was finding it hard to cope. I had absolutely no one, no support system and Steve watched me fall and get pecked to death.

