The Only Piece of Advice You Need as You Start Something New

Stop overconsuming tips & tricks from others and just start doing

Alex Stanton
3 min readNov 9, 2022
Photo by Eilis Garvey on Unsplash

“10 must-have habits of any successful writer”
“The top 5 mistakes NOT to make when you want to create new clients”
“The 3 core routines for anyone who has ever accomplished anything ever”

Okay, maybe that last one is an exaggeration, but I think you see where I’m going.

Starting off as a new writer on Medium, the algorithm has filled my feed with article upon article of how to be successful in my endeavors.

These click-bait-y headlines, of course, work — and I find myself pouring over them instead of actually writing.

Now I know that there is no magic pill to success — in fact, that’s what most of these articles are about.

However, when I let those nagging feelings of impatience, self doubt, and fear take over, I find myself perusing these articles once again, just in case I missed something.

All this time spent trying to read about the secrets to success could be spent taking action towards it. Writing, practicing, doing.

This is not to knock on those articles seeking to share wisdom, support newcomers, and reflect on easily avoidable mistakes. They have value. They can help you feel less alone.

They can provide you with quick hits of motivation and encourage you to get off the ground.

But the people writing them? They learned all of the tips & tricks they share because they took action. They did the damn thing.

Once you have learned enough to start experimenting, you will learn more by doing and failing than from reading articles about others who did.

I’ve recently started ‘doing the damn thing’ with regards to my coaching practice (and, slowly but surely, on the writing front as well).

I’m focusing less on the future and the desire to succeed. I’m connecting with people. I’m inviting them to converse. I’m coaching.

Is every email, LinkedIn message, or exploratory session perfect? No. Do I learn from every single on? Hell yeah.

The books, articles, podcasts, and other media were definitely essential to my initial learning phase. They helped me build confidence in the fact that it really was as simple as just starting.

They provided helpful ideas for me to kick off and gain momentum using the resources at my disposal.

However, I quickly realized that, unless I adapted all this advice to fit my style, personality, and schedule, it was useless.

The core philosophy behind coaching is that everyone has the power within them to achieve their goals.

You don’t need to do it in someone else’s way, using what worked for them. You have the answer inside; you just might need someone else to help reflect it back and bring it to light.

So here are my commitments for the next time I get sucked into the empty promise of devouring ‘The 5 secrets to getting your business up and running’ (and yes, I see the irony in putting advice in an article about not taking other people’s advice, but this is for me — you can take it or leave it):

Stop & Reflect: Why am I reading this article?

  • Am I reacting to an emotion, self doubt, or a real challenge?
  • What is something new that I’m hoping to learn from reading this?
  • Is there a different resource that might better suit my needs?
  • What is one productive action I can take before I read this article?

Alternatives to reading one more tips & tricks article:

  • If I’m bored: consume something on a topic I’m interested in
  • If I need help with a challenge: talk to my coach
  • If I’m trying to learn a new skill: sign up for a course
  • If I’m craving productivity: take one small action — keep a running list

I’m ready to really let go of the idea that any one piece of advice will determine my future success. My commitment and willingness to take action in intentional ways — that’s where the real magic lies.

To build your confidence and clarity by living a more values-aligned, purpose-driven life, follow Alex on Medium / @stantoncoaching on



Alex Stanton

Career coach writing about aligning your life to your values & purpose |