Importance of CCTV cameras for your home’s security

Starcom Security
3 min readDec 18, 2015


Many homes and businesses are investing in a CCTV camera for security. A home CCTV camera is an excellent way to keep your home and its perimeter more secure. Whether you want to see what is happening in your house when you are away or seek to deter burglars and other intruders, a home CCTV camera makes it easy.

What is a CCTV Camera?

A closed-circuit television camera (CCTV) is an integral part of a TV system that is used for security and surveillance reasons. They are a private way to monitor what is happening in and around your home. Cameras are strategically placed so you can observe certain areas of your house and property. The cameras communicate with monitors and the images are shown only to the people who are designated to see it. This provides an optimum level of privacy and security. This system is reliable, which means it is often used for traffic monitoring, building and grounds security, medical facilities and other important purposes. A CCTV camera can also be used to keep your home and its occupants safer. You can watch it from the monitor, a computer, and even your smartphone.

Scare Off Burglars and Intruders

Having a security camera can be a deterrent for burglars and other intruders. Some of them are bold enough to try to enter the house when you are home while others lurk around and wait for you to leave. Having a security camera is a way to keep them away from your home. If they are bold enough to enter the house anyway, the security cameras can help law enforcement identify the intruders and find them.

Be Aware of Who is Coming to Your Home

Some people who visit your home are welcomed, such as the mail carrier or a friendly neighbour. You might not want to answer the door for others, such as a stranger or sales representative. A home CCTV camera lets you see who is at the door from any room in your house.

Monitor Your Children

A CCTV camera can also be the ultimate baby monitor. You can watch your baby from any room and know what he or she needs your attention. As your children get older, you can see if they are accessing an off-limits area, such as the cleaning supply closet. When you go to work, you can find out when the children back home from school. The camera can also be used as a nanny cam for those who have a babysitter when they are away from home.

Take Care of Others

If you are taking care of an elderly family member, you can monitor their safety from your home, office or anywhere else you need to be. A CCTV camera for security can even be used to check on your pets when you are out of the house. It is a way to watch those you care about when you can’t be at home.

Identify Disturbances in Your House

It can be scary to hear a noise downstairs when you are home alone or sleeping in the middle of the night. You might feel reluctant to approach the source of the noise on your own. If you hear something odd, you can check the cameras to find out what is going on before you get there. If an intruder is present, this could even help save your life.

Know What Happens When You Are Away

When you leave the house, anything can happen in your absence and you might not know the cause. A security camera can let you know what is going in if your security alarm sounds. You can also detect suspicious activity around your house, such as someone scoping out the area. It is also a way to check on your housekeeper and landscapers when you are away. You can make sure they are acting properly and doing the work they are hired to perform.

Buying a CCTV camera for security is an invaluable investment for your home and safety. Contact StarCom Security to learn more about getting a home CCTV camera for optimum security.

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Starcom Security

Starcom Security, leading specialist in security camera installation & provide a complete range of home security system including CCTV cameras, Bosch alarm Syst