Cultivate Awareness: Check-in with Your Whole Self

Humans are multifaceted beings gifted with consciousness

Stardust Musings
4 min readMar 25, 2022
Photo by Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash

Awareness is a gift. Humans have the capacity for internal and external awareness; consciousness of what is going on inside and around them. This gift becomes more intermittent as we grow in the material world. And unfortunately, can become lost in the fast-paced modern lifestyle.

Awareness/consciousness is our birthright. We have to know that it is missing in order to regain it. Most of us are so distracted, busy, handling a multitude of daily schedules and tasks. We spend so much time in our headspace, on autopilot, that many things go unnoticed, which disturbs the balance in one’s being.

When we slow down long enough to check in with ourselves, we may be surprised by what we find. So much beauty. As well as suffering. We are multifaceted beings. “Busying” through life does not serve us.

There may be many areas of self-neglect, denial, etc. happening right under your radar, that you’re not even aware of. The idea is step back to notice, as a passive observer, but one who loves his/herself. Be present with yourself, be compassionate, and be helpful to yourself, like a friend would be! Keep reading for a simple wellness self-check-up.

