Dude, Where are My Notifications?!

Hey Medium… you got some explaining to do….

Stardust Musings
2 min readJul 27, 2022
Photo by Jonas Lee on Unsplash

I have recently been experiencing trouble with receiving all of my notifications, particularly notifications of responses to my articles. Several other Medium authors are apparently dealing with the same issue. Sometimes I receive the notification 12 hours later. Other times, not at all.

What the heck, Medium?!

I realize there are hiccups in the wonderful world of technology that we have all come to depend on. But for a company as large and ever-expanding like Medium, I’d like to think we could get to a point of the tech being mostly reliable, as Medium is a community-based platform.

There’s no way to trash a community than by ignoring it, regardless of how unintentional! So, hey, Medium, can you please not let that happen?!

Give me my due notifications so I can diligently dish out the due responses to those who deserve a reply!

I want all of my readers to feel seen, heard, and appreciated. Engagement is what makes this community thrive!

I don’t want to leave any comments hanging without claps or replies.

However, I am realizing that if I don’t go back through the archive of my 188 published stories, I may be missing some comments from…

