What Does Narcissistic Devaluation Look Like?

The degradation is brutal, and it escalates

Stardust Musings
3 min readSep 13, 2022
Photo by Siavash Ghanbari on Unsplash

Nobody has ever treated me worse than my ex, the narcissist, did. Sure, it was all great and dandy in the beginning during the love bombing phase. But those first few months of bliss hardly make up for the years of torment and abuse that followed.

I am here to tell you guys that narcissistic abuse escalates- it gets much worse; never better.

The love bombing was all a scam to get you hooked. Then, the devaluation begins. And narcissists don’t even hold back on their vile degradation of you. So, if you are in a narcissistic relationship, buckle up. It’s going to be a long bumpy ride.

When the devaluation phase of the relationship begins, it comes on subtle- a hot/cold, push/pull thing, some unfunny jokes, supposed misunderstandings, etc.

My narcissist manipulated the sh*t out of me, so somehow, we’d always work it out.

Devaluation accomplished the notorious extreme highs and extreme lows of being in a toxic relationship with a narcissist. I was happy when my narc was happy with me. When he wasn’t, I was f*cking miserable.

During devaluation, this is what happens on the narcissist’s end:

  • The narcissist will make little…

