5 Ways To Focus on your Goals.

4 min readOct 7, 2021


1.keep yourself thinking big picture.

Where ever your focus goes, your energy flows. “ — Tony Robbins
Focus is training your mind to always look at the bigger picture!

Big picture thinking means you thrive when you’re given an overview or a broader vision of what needs to be accomplished. And while you know the importance of details, you’d much prefer to keep your focus zoomed out and deal with things at a higher level. Too many specifics, and your eyes start to glaze over. By thinking a pic picture of your goals, it feels so amazing I mean it seems you can probably do it. Just think a minute, make a big picture in your mind of your goals and consider yourself as you have achieved them. Aww, it’s so much amazing. Right? I think I am right. I can say it without any doubt because not everybody can be same but at least everyone of us are human and so many qualities are same although!

2.Review Your Goals Daily.

Best way to focus on your goal is to constantly remind yourself of your ultimate goals.

Your Main goal(s) are kept at forefront of your mind by reviewing them daily, — making it much easier to say ‘no’ to other opportunities that could derail your focus. Setting your goals in writing forces you and allows you to define and refine what you really want and need. Your goals will act as signposts you can reference when you are unsure of what action you should take. Motivation can be very helpful to stay tuned in the direction of your goal (specially at age of 16 -20 years) as it awakens the mind and makes it fresh and hopeful and seeks to start a new beginning with a new hope if you ever posses boredom, as boredom destroys dreams and distracts concentration and interest from goals.

3.Don’t Try to Multitask.

smart people don’t multitask.

You may think you’re getting more done while multitasking , but you’re probably wrong. It makes your mind go crazy by making it a kind of ill. Your mind isn’t a machine or robot so isn’t it so obvious it can’t focus on so many things at a single time. While focusing on so many things at a time, it distracts your concentration. It also makes you less productive, less effective, as well as slows down you brain. “Paying attention to each task you do will make you more efficient,” says Paula Rizzo. So if you want to focus on your goals and Remove Distractions That Are Not Related to Your Goals you should never do multitask as it can distract your mind so badly.

4.Break Down Your Goals Into Small Parts

Its really very difficult to set your goals in a world where time running very fast so if goals divided into smaller parts, it would be easier to go some steps forward to achieve goals, So you need to break down your big goals into smaller pieces or goals. By Smaller Pieces means like: Setting Your Goals, Creating a Task List, Preparing Everything You Need, Setting a Timeline, Working on your goals, etc. Breaking your long-term goals into short-term goals will put you well on your way to accomplishing those big long-term goals!

How to do it?

Step1: Begin with your long term goals. Firstly focus on your long term goals start by them when setting short term goals.

Step 2: Look at that Goals First That You Plan to Accomplish Within 1 Year rather than focusing first on them which to Accomplish within more than 1 year.

Step3: Now Look at the Goals That Will Take Longer Than a Year To Accomplish.

5. Try To Get the Important Things Out of the Way

“Think about what’s really important to you in life. Make that your priority.”

You have to learn what works for you, rather than trying to fit yourself into the mold of using what you hear most other people use, as many people do they just do what they hear and what’s going on trend, isn’t it so stupid! following the trend rather than learning what your mind probably needs to do. Everyone’s mind and so body are of different type, everyone don’t needs the same work or routine to go through success, make sure what you are doing suits your mind and pleasure. Now in your mind question maybe arising how to know what routine or work suits your mind. Right? Oh I think maybe not, but you must know about it. Do what you want, you must try everything to know what actually gives you pleasure and makes you go forward to your goals.

