Understand Your Dreams As Only You Can. Here’s a Powerful Technique To Help.

Purusha Radha
8 min readJul 8, 2023


We’re all incredibly unique individuals. No two psyches are exactly alike. And for this reason:

No one other than you can truly tell you the meaning of your dreams. Not really.

I’ve never been one for looking up dreams in dream interpretation books. I’ve just seemed to know intuitively that my dreams are mine and mine alone to interpret and understand.

Maybe others can help you with insights that come to them intuitively, but in the end, it’s your dream alone to learn from. It’s your unique messaging service that aligns with you and no one else.

Your unique subconscious will utilize images and symbology differently than the way other people would use them. So it’s really best that we learn to interpret our information- and portent-giving dreams — for ourselves.

Why refer to a book when we can interpret our dreams from within and more accurately, too?

What Dreams Do and the Demands They Make of Us

“…the brain creates a synthesis from melatonin called pinoline, and it is a hallucinogen that simply re-forms the body according to attitude. Part of dreams are not prophetic; they are the subconscious giving pictures to the body…[which] are transferred into chemicals and electrical conduits so that every part of the body is repaired during sleep. The dreaming brain is sending messages to the body to be healed.” — The Transcendent Pleiadian Lord God Ramtha in When Fairy Tales Do Come True

When a dream is extremely vivid you tend to remember it. Maybe you wake up from the dream like I do and sit in your bed holding your head saying, “Wow. What was that?!”

Maybe the elements of your dream were so strange or frightening you wonder how you could even have dreamed them.

What was the purpose of this dream? What was your subconscious trying to tell you?

Dreams demand us to address the messages and concepts they present.

They provide signs and portents of the future. The dream provides vision for seeing further down the road or perhaps just around the corner. The dream will warn you about potential pitfalls you’ll encounter if you don’t make a change in your life.

It might also show you events of the past in a whole new light. Our limited view of the past will always keep us stuck if we dwell on it.

Your dreams will often point out how you still run on old recordings in your mind. These are memories of past events that bothered you and still linger in your consciousness. You never left those memories in the past to create the fresh and new in the Now.

Dreams often happen because we’ve allowed a tidal wave of emotional upset and maybe even physical shock to build up within us. We haven’t been willing to integrate the emotion rather than run from or shun it. Now the dream forces us to look.

Both negative and positive emotions are integral parts of you. Embrace even the negative ones for who they have caused you to be in this moment, this best moment of your life right now.

This is how you allow emotions to begin their journey to the surface of your consciousness through the vehicle of the dream.

Cooperate with the dream that’s trying to help you work out a nagging issue or a fear. And pay close attention to the details in your dream for they offer understandings.

The dream may seem reactive but it is truly proactive — a teaching tool. It will provoke you and forge an avenue for self-development and growth.

Thank your beautiful subconscious, your brain, and your Oversoul (Higher Self) for pointing all these things out to you.

“…the dreaming brain… is the holographic brain that is responsible for another level of teaching, the quantum world of particles and energy.” — The Transcendent Pleiadian Master Lord God Ramtha in Defining the Master

If You Don’t Remember Your Dreams

It’s important to remember a good number of your dreams so that you can work out their messages in your daily life.

If you don’t remember too many of your dreams and would like to, declare aloud, “I am the dream” or “I remember my dreams,” before you go to sleep. This works.

In the morning, if you know you had a dream but can’t remember it, summon its recall and it most probably will bubble up as a result of some sort of trigger during the next couple of hours. Trust and know you will remember and you will.

Recurring Dream Elements

You may have recurring dreams or recurring elements in dreams. This is the dream’s way of saying:

“Hey, how many times do I have to show you this before you do something about it?”

For years, I dreamt of having to take a final math exam when I haven’t even attended class all semester. I’m anxious and worried. The test is full of mathematical equations for me to complete that look all too complicated at first glance. I take the test but then I never find out in the dream if I passed or not.

When a Dream Is Not a Dream

Sometimes a dream is not really a dream.

It’s an out-of-body travel experience to another dimension. Sometimes it’s an actual ‘close encounter of the third kind.’

But there’s a way to tell the difference:

They make a lot of sense right out of the gate.

The usual or common dream elicited from the subconscious is full of twists and turns, imagery and symbology, or treachery or chaos.

The close encounter, celestial travel experience is more straightforward.

It progresses like a cohesive story and doesn’t leave you mystified about its meaning. In fact, you know very distinctly what was said to you and what you experienced. You’re clear on how you felt.

You will usually wake up from the celestial travel experience with full memory of it and if not, something happens during the day to trigger your full blown recall. You will recognize it as a highly profound experience in which you learned and received divine gifts.

You Are the Dream’s Author and Audience

If you’re interested in getting the most out of your dreams, you must become adept at reading your dreams’ patterns and elements and then trust what you receive.

The dream expects a return from us. It expects an accountable response — not the reaction of a victim.

People often say or feel, “The dream happened to me,” when, in fact, they created the dream.

You are both the dream’s author and audience.

The dream is a match to your waking life. And you have the power to change your dreams or alter their course.

You change the dream by changing your attitudes which the dream has helped you to recognize must be changed.

If you opt out or shut the dream down, it can be as harmful as shutting out the waking world.

Perhaps it’s better to be present to what the dream is showing you.

Like a valiant hero making a conquest, you must face the dream’s imperative while claiming your dream creation as your own.

The Dark Void of the Dream

The dream can be somewhat illusive. It resides in the unknown — the dark void, after all. It shows you truths about your dark side (and we all have a dark side) and you might be afraid to look.

This is why a method for understanding the dream can be such a gift.

But to face the dark void and maybe even fear of the dream you need to feel empowered, strong, and invincible.

The fear is there to teach you courage.

You must be the hero, the avatar who champions the lady holding the grail. You must be the warrior who may need to slay the monster, walk through thick fog, trudge through swamps, smash walls, face the dead or an evil predator, or descend into the underworld.

A Technique for Dream Interpretation

Make use of this technique not just for frightening dreams but also for those that are confusing, confounding, or chaotic.

I first encountered the cave concept of the method described here in Catherine Shainberg’s book, Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming: Awakening the Visionary Life. And over time, I expanded on the concept for my best use of the method.


  1. When you’ve awakened from a dream, be quiet, comfortable, still and breathe. Just allow your breath to center and calm you.
  2. With eyes closed, see a cave in your mind’s eye that’s pitch black inside. You will soon enter your dream — the cave — to gain clarity. Whatever way you picture the cave is perfect for you.
  3. As you stand before the cave, clad yourself as a full-on hero. Create your avatar.

Deck yourself out in clothing:

armor • leather • a warrior prince or princess’ garb • combat gear • army gear • viking garb • tribal regalia

(I often like to dress similar to Xena: Warrior Princess!)

Gather your weapons:

bow and arrows • swords • excalibur • shields • a trident • a torch • spear • rope • ninja throwing stars • a ninja stick • axe • sickle • baton • an army of faeries • magic wand • guardian angel • an impenetrable shield of light

Outfit yourself in the way that makes you feel most empowered. You must feel and look strong. Give yourself muscles and more youth if you need to.

As Shainberg says, you must play for all you are worth and if necessary, seek reinforcements.

Over time, you’ll get so good at this, all you’ll really have to do is dress in your favorite garb and take a light inside the cave with you.

  1. When you feel ready, still with eyes closed, count down from 3 to 1 slowly, envisioning the numerals in your mind’s eye. See the numeral 3 very large vanishing to make way for 2, large but smaller. Then on to number 1.
  2. When the number 1 vanishes, walk straight into the dark blackness of the cave.
  3. Standing in the cave, ask silently or out loud: “What is the significance of _________ in my dream?”
  4. Then wait for the answer. Try not to think. If your mind starts searching for an answer, let those thoughts pass and wait calmly and expectantly. An answer should bubble up relatively quickly.
  5. Then repeat the process until you’ve received answers for all the elements of your dream.

You may see another image while in the cave or you may hear a message or phrase. Some of these astutely wise responses may surprise you. There will be revelations about yourself you might never have gained otherwise.

You are now allowing your muscles of intuiting to respond to the dream’s imperative. You are creating a dynamic contact with the dream’s images.

Continue to approach your dream interpretation practice with confidence and trust.

This is a skill you will improve the more you practice. If you don’t have success initially this only means you need to relax and practice more. A consistent meditation practice will also help you strengthen your neural pathways for this psycho-mystical work.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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