Star Horizons: White Paper

Star Horizons
19 min readDec 8, 2023


A Star Atlas Interstellar Entity

Star Horizons


Purpose 4

Vision & Mission 4


Executive Branch 6

Joint Strategic Command Branch 7

Judicial Branch 9

Assembly: House & Senate 10

Decentralized Autonomous Corporations (DAC) 12

Economy 13

External SH DAO 15


Policy & Rules 16

Formation 17

Governance 17

Termination 18



Earning Star Horizons Rank 20





Disclaimer 26


Star Horizons is a reflection of the possibilities offered by the Star Atlas metaverse. It is a flexible set of inner structures, including branches, sections, agencies, and departments, connecting the real with the Star Atlas metaverse life. It seeks to spread a fertile ground for each player to find and experience the style of gaming that best suits a player’s overall engagement and investment strategy while leveraging Star Atlas’ diversified infrastructure of governance and rewards.

Star Horizons is composed of many aspiring individuals, each with a chosen profession that, through the variety of roles offered by Star Atlas, permits each to pursue self-interests from within the sphere of a supporting organization that represents needs equitably and fairly.

Star Horizon is also a collection of unique, colorful Clans specializing in Star Atlas roles, each with an individual character, goal, and purpose. Clans open doorways that permit players to focus on team-play and small team-tactics while allowing for role exploration and memorable experiences.

At its core, Star Horizons is an intergalactic, international alliance of every race, culture, belief, and language brought together and united under the banner of the Star Atlas proposition.


Star Horizons’ purpose is to provide evermore expansive Star Atlas opportunities for its members. It strives to maximize benefits for members’ work and assets while maintaining a community voice that shapes and molds its functions.

It provides the tools for each member to reach its potential and protect its rewards. Its purpose creates a home for the courageous explorers, builders, traders, and visionaries that seek the promises of the Star Atlas metaverse by exercising freedom and independence under a just structure of governance that honors the individual spirit.

Vision & Mission

Star Horizon exists to become a powerful entity of clans and individuals working in unison to achieve more significant benefits and returns on their Star Atlas assets.

It sponsors loyalty and engagement by utilizing an efficient structure that promotes value appreciation of the organization through reinvestment and strategic decision-making.

Beyond, Star Horizons envisions establishing the foundations for a long journey into the unknown, to places where massive constructions will one day rise from Star Horizons’ origins to mark its path and future like stars rising from across the farthest horizons.


The Star Horizons’ structure serves its members.

Self-achievement, investment, or in-game engagement earns members the right to represent others. It uses a decentralized government model that separates powers through its departments and agencies as it protects the interest of all of its members.

In addition, it incorporates the Star Atlas sub-governance system in the form of an internal DAC that governs in-game aspects of the internal treasury and reward distribution through the issuance of organizational/member tokens.

The structure has the following main governmental branches:

  • Executive (Operational Leadership)
  • Joint Strategic Command (Military)
  • Judicial (Courts)
  • Assembly (House & Senate Representatives)
  • Internal DAC (Internal Treasury & Reward Distribution)
  • Economy (Entrepreneurship, Commerce & Banks)
  • External DAO (Intergalactic Monetary Fund)

Executive Branch

The Executive Branch comprises one Governor and at least five directors, with each director empowered to create supporting teams. The positions are as follow:

  • Governor
  • Director of Operations
  • Director of Communications & Marketing
  • Director of Galactic Relations
  • Director of Internal Affairs
  • Director of Intelligence
  • Executive Council

The Governor oversees organizational stability and coordinates operational requirements through the branch’s directors. The Governor is required to promote and protect the interest of Star Horizons members and its assets. The position includes directing operations in every area or faction where Star Horizons operates, leading new Funding Proposals, public presentations, meeting with Assembly, Judicial, and Executive Council Members, and supporting Joint Strategic Command military efforts.

The Director of Operations provides Project & Resource management and analyzes the impact of situations and events on the Star Atlas metaverse.

The Director of Communications & Marketing coordinates social media and content creator projects. It ensures the efficient presentation of released information from Star Horizons to members and the public. It also leads campaigns related to recruitment and image efforts.

The Director of Galactic Relations establishes and maintains contact with other Star Atlas organizations. The position includes directing ambassadors’ efforts and formulating political and trade proposals for review.

The Director of Internal Affairs provides Star Horizons representation to Clans & Independent Professionals; it is also responsible for onboarding new Star Horizons members. Duties include investigation of Star Horizons policy violations and application of resolutions to ensure compliance.

The Director of Intelligence oversees surveillance and security at all levels of the organization. It establishes agent networks and provides reports to the Governor and Executive Council.

The Executive Council is composed of the head of each of the SH branches. Initially, the council is composed of the First Star Horizon Members (SH Tier 0 Role). Its purpose is to provide a check and balance between the branches by ratifying position appointments, reviewing internal reports, monitoring military activities, and proposing amendments to the Star Horizons Constitution.

Joint Strategic Command Branch

The Joint Strategic Command branch orchestrates all military assets to protect, defend, and secure Star Horizons assets and interests. It directs military allocations to maximize mission objectives and asset utilization across one to three faction theaters. The Chief Commander heads this branch with the support of no less than four Military Commanders, each leading one of four different department groups.

The branch includes the following departments:

  • Chief Commander (JSC Department Head)
  • Planning
  • Logistics
  • Defense
  • Operational Command & Control

The Chief Commander coordinates the readiness and movement of all military forces across all theaters. It works with the heads of the branch’s departments to ensure the defense of installations, fleet supply, fleet positioning, and strategic planning of all troops. Responsibilities include reporting to the Assembly and the Executive Council. It works closely with the Executive branch in synchronizing efforts ranging from full military campaigns to supporting single mission objectives.

The Planning Department is responsible for developing grand military strategies and advising JSC on possible threats and strategic opportunities. It tracks enemy forces, records mission success rates, and provides statistical analysis of military operations.

The Logistics Department ensures that all forces are supplied and replenished during campaigns or missions. It maintains records of storage, acquisitions, production lines, and resources. It establishes material and fuel reserves to keep military forces functioning at maximum efficiency at all times. In addition, it leads a rapid exploration division to mobilize resources or establish new reserve depots quickly.

The Defense Department provides security for civilian and military installations. It combats pirate activities in controlled regions and ensures commerce routes are safe and protected.

The Operational Command & Control (OCC) Department provides orders to all military forces. The department has the use of an elite specialized division for special operations.

The Chief Commander is selected by the Governor and ratified by the Executive Council. Department heads are recommended by the Chief Commander and confirmed by the Executive Council.

Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch reviews current internal policies, intergalactic laws, and contracts. It provides opinions on the effects of treaties, policy, and the state of the Star Horizons constitution.

The branch consists of one Chief Justice and two court systems:

  • Chief Justice
  • Galactic Courts
  • Supreme Court

The Chief Justice heads the Supreme Court and coordinates reviews of all internal policy, treaties, contracts, and intergalactic law.

The Galactic Court is composed of three Galactic Judges appointed by the Executive Council. Its purpose is to review internal policy, treaties, and intergalactic laws and offer opinions for the Assembly and Executive Branches.

The Supreme Court comprises the Chief Justice and two Supreme Court Judges appointed by the Executive Council. Its primary purpose is to review the Star Horizons Constitution and offer opinions for the Assembly and Executive Branches.

Assembly: House & Senate

Star Horizons incorporates the Star Atlas DAC (Decentralized Autonomous Corporation) structure and adds an Assembly divided into the House and Senate.

Every member begins their Star Atlas journey by creating a character bound to a Solana wallet. Afterward, each character has the option of choosing an organization that shares the character’s faction selection. Official SH accounts must choose the Star Horizons DAC. This selection allows new members to participate in the Star Horizons organization and qualify for benefits and positions within the governing and rewarding structures.

The Assembly has two parliaments, the House and the Senate.

The House is home to Champions and Role Representatives.

Champions demonstrate intense loyalty and engagement in the Star Atlas metaverse and the Star Horizons structure. The selection of Champions will initially reside with the Executive Council. This process will later pass to the House participants. The number of Champions can never fall below 0.1% or exceed 0.5% of the total SH membership.

Role Representatives are members of a particular SH Profession. Each profession will have the opportunity to select two representatives from its professional group.

The Senate is composed of Clan Leaders and Staking Members.

Clan Leaders are founding members of approved clans within Star Horizons. To qualify as a Senator, clan leaders must declare and demonstrate focused clan activity in one or more of the roles designated by SH. The clan must also participate in the Economic or Military branches of Star Horizons. A leader must be a team member of the Executive, Joint Strategic Command, Judicial, or Economic branches, and working in a support or leadership position. Initially, the Governor manages the selection of Clan Leaders. With the Senate established, Clan Leaders will be approved by the Senate and ratified by the Executive Council.

Staking Members are individuals that engage the Star Atlas metaverse through investment instruments like Loans/Scholarships or the staking of POLIS in one or all of the Star Atlas, Faction, Regional DAO. To qualify as a Senator under this category, Staking Members must use the earned voting power to benefit Star Horizons DAC or demonstrate substantial financial support to SH membership. The Executive Council will review proposals for members wishing to qualify under this provision.

The Assembly is a joint parliament of the House and Senate that provides a check and balance to internal policy and proposed/approved DAC proposals.

The Assembly serves as a platform to publicly debate SH internal policy, existing and past DAC proposals (using the Judicial branch’s opinions), and suggest internal policy improvements, new DAC proposals, or galactic policy changes for DAC approval. In addition, participation in the Assembly is one of several requirements to petition for membership in the External SH DAO.

Decentralized Autonomous Corporations (DAC)

The DAC is a Star Atlas organizational and governance tool implemented in-game to give a basic structure to players collaborating in the SA metaverse. The user interface is a code-free application that permits the generation of basic DAC governance protocols, including the minting of tokens to raise capital to purchase POLIS, ATLAS, or additional NFTs. It establishes initial governance capabilities (through voting on proposals), gives SH token holders partial ownership of Star Horizon assets and revenue, sets the organization’s taxation rates, collects taxes, distributes rewards, controls reinvestment/revenue flow, and provides other treasury supporting functions.

Star Horizons incorporates this Star Atlas DAC model into its organizational structure.

The First Star Horizons Members (SH Tier 0 Role) will set the initial settings of the DAC. Changes to the initial stage of the DAC will occur through voting on a DAC proposal after public review and discussion at the Assembly.

The SH DAC will mint tokens to raise in-game capital and maximize revenue generation capabilities.

Unless directed by an approved DAC proposal, revenue generated from the organization’s taxation, Faction & Regional DAO participation, and SH assets will remain in the DAC to cover expenses or reinvest into the organization.

Star Horizons Revenue will maintain SH in-game assets, pay for new equipment, production, or constructions. Uses include subsidizing additional military forces, facilitating loans/scholarships for members, and paying for promotional costs. In addition, tax revenue can pay for rewards to members holding specific positions within Star Horizons. Overall, assets in the SH Treasury (DAC) will pay for expenses associated with any cost deemed necessary for the stability, continuance, and value-growth operations of Star Horizons.

Any distribution, movement, or allocation of assets will require the majority approval of token ownership holders.

Determination of rules for withdrawing assets, valuation of SH tokens, and maximum amount of SH Tokens any one individual can hold will come when Star Atlas releases the DAC interface.


One of Star Atlas’ fundamental pillars is its expansive economy. It is the heart of what entices many to take risks and to dare dream. The wealth hidden in the soil, markets, space, conflict, commerce, and discovery awakens the adventurer’s spirit in each pilot and captain. Star Horizons fortunes rely mainly on the successful navigation of this one branch of its structure. For this reason, entire clans specialize in exploiting and mastering each of the economic sectors offered by the Star Atlas metaverse.

The Chief Economic Director heads the Economy section of Star Horizons. The Economic branch has different economic categories broken into departments, with each department supervised by a Manager and its team. There are seven departments:

  • Exploration
  • Mining
  • Trade
  • Lending
  • Innovations
  • Manufacturing
  • Markets

The Exploration Department tracks new systems, planets, and anomalies. It monitors discoveries and identifies promising areas for further exploration for the organization.

The Mining Department tracks total mined resources, mining installations and executes plans to maximize SH members’ resource value and collection efforts. This category includes Food and Fuel resources.

The Trade Department identifies retail, social, and commerce trading opportunities throughout the metaverse.

The Lending Department tracks total tax revenue and loans (currency, collateralized loans, scholarships) generated by SH members.

The Innovations Department oversees or initiates Research & Development, building, and production projects.

The Manufacturing Department focuses on resource refinement, component/module crafting, large constructions, and ship production.

The Markets Department keeps track of assets on the markets and auctions. It identifies market deficits in supply and demand, auction opportunities and creates asset acquisition plans for the organization.

The Chief Economic Director is selected by the Governor and ratified by the Executive Council. Job responsibilities include coordinating the efforts of department managers and reporting to the Executive Council. Other tasks include working with the Executive branch’s directors and providing data to the Governor.

The Executive Council selects department heads from a candidate list prepared by the Chief Economic Director.

External SH DAO

Members of external DAOs can participate in the SH DAC by exchanging approved in-game assets for SH DAC Tokens.

External DAOs holding SH Tokens will have the right to a representative share of the total value in the SH DAC treasury based on the total number of SH Tokens in circulation and the total value of assets in the DAC treasury:


(SH Tokens Held / Total SH Tokens in Circulation ) * (Value of SH Treasury Assets) = Value Available for Withdrawal


The Clans within Star Horizons provide services and allow members to explore specializations or roles while working with players with similar ideas and play styles.

Clans do not work in isolation. They are not stand-alone groups of members duplicating functionalities of the Star Horizons structure. Each one specializes in one or more roles and works together, not independently, to benefit the entire Star Horizons organization.

Clans operate within the framework provided by Star Horizons and support at least one of the economic or military departments within the organization. This requirement is necessary to create union, dependency, and cohesion between the diverse clan personalities.

Policy & Rules

To minimize redundancies and maximize efforts, Clans must abide by the following policy:

1. Clans need to specialize in one or more Economy or Military areas/departments.

2. Clans can be private and have skill-based requirements for member acceptance, but at no point will a clan request anything of value or charge a fee (in terms of in-game assets/resources) for entering or leaving a clan.

3. Clan leaders need to participate in the Senate and Assembly.

4. Clans must coordinate their specialties with SH branch directors.

5. Clans can not belong to another Star Atlas guild and are expected to be always loyal to Star Horizons.

6. Clans must never conduct or promote any illegal activity or behave in a manner that damages other SH Clans or Star Horizons’ interests, image, reputation, or assets.

7. To maintain Clan status within SH, clans must abide by these rules and remain active under their chosen specialty or service.

8. SH Clans will only have 18 year old or older members. Minors are not permitted to be members of Star Horizons, and any participation in the Lending programs (including Scholarships) is especially forbidden.


The formation of new clans will be under the purview of the Senate.

The Senate will establish new clan minimum requirements, and it will approve or reject petitions for the formation of SH Clans.

The Galactic Court can hear appeals and has the power to send Senate rejected petitions to the Governor for possible reversals.


Clans are free to elect and establish their internal ranking or governance structure that best fits their particular areas of role specialty.

SH clans can have external community servers, websites, publications, internal projects, and marketing campaigns related to Star Atlas as long as it identifies itself as a Star Horizons alliance clan.

If a clan elects to create an External DAO, it can participate as described under the External DAO section.


Uncorrected violations to clan requirements and rules form the basis for termination of Clan status.

The Galactic Courts will review all clan complaints and provide opinions to the Assembly and the Executive Council. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, the Executive Council can immediately Suspend the Clan until the Assembly votes on the clan termination proposal. The clan leader is not permitted to vote on this decision.



Star Horizons values engagement and participation very highly. The SH structure implements a five Tier Ranks (1–5 or T1-T5) system to recognize the work and efforts of its members within the organization.

SH ranks have benefits. Higher levels open opportunities to serve in higher positions within Star Horizons, give greater access to Discord channels, and provide the possibility of earning extra rewards for service or promotions.

Earning Star Horizons Rank

Everyone begins with no rank. Earning higher levels involves participation in one of the options available under each of the rank categories.

T1 Rank:

  • Earn XP on the SH Discord Server and reach level 20
  • Become a Team Member and serve for at least two months
  • Serve in an SH Military unit for at least two months

T2 Rank (T1 Rank Required):

  • Become a representative in the Senate or House for at least three months
  • Become a Team Leader under a Department Manager for at least three months
  • Serve in the Communications & Marketing team for at least three months

T3 Rank (T2 Rank Required)

  • Serve as Department Manager in the Economy Branch for at least three months
  • Serve as a Galactic Judge in the Judicial Branch for at least three months
  • Become an Ambassador under the Galactic Relations for at least three months
  • Serve in an SH Elite Military or Block Ops Unit for at least three months

T4 Rank (T3 Rank Required)

  • Serve as a Director of the Executive Branch for at least four months
  • Serve as assistant to the Chief Judge for at least four months
  • Serve as an Admiral or General in the JSC for at least four months

T5 Rank (T4 Rank Required)

  • Serve as assistant to the Governor for at least four months
  • Serve as assistant to the Chief Economic Director for at least four months
  • Serve as assistant to the Chief Commander for at least four months
  • Serve as Chief Judge for at least four months.

The Executive Council can elect members that reach the T5 Rank to the following positions:

  • Governor
  • Chief Commander
  • Chief Economic Director
  • Executive Council Member


Belonging to Star Horizons offers many benefits.

  1. Access to faction specialized and SH focus researched technologies.
  2. Deeper economic & market information
  3. More significant exploration and mining opportunities
  4. Fleet protection & security
  5. A flexible organizational structure capable able to encompass multiple factions
  6. Revenue Reinvestment and Value Appreciation of SH Token Focus
  7. Lending programs: Scholarships & Loans
  8. Internal Ranking System, which permits members to qualify for different government positions within Star Horizons
  9. Representation of Professional Groups on the House
  10. Recognition for engagement on the SA Metaverse and SH Organization (House: Champions)
  11. Multiple SH Clans to explore role specialization and work with players with similar ideas and playing styles
  12. Opportunities to work in teams under every branch of the SH Organization
  13. The ability for any member to become a Clan Leader
  14. A structure that values individual opinions and provides internal functionalities to bring about change: Judicial & Assembly branches
  15. Creation of a Star Horizons Constitution
  16. Internal SH Policy Manual
  17. New Player Tutorial/Guide
  18. Internal Check & Balance of Governance: Executive Council & Judicial Branch
  19. Opportunities to work on Special Star Horizons projects
  20. Chance to earn rewards for holding certain governance positions.



Star Horizons uses the latest information on the Star Atlas product. It implements the functionalities offered by the game and adds its unique twist in the form of a flexible working structure that reduces redundancies and increases efficiency. It presents a clear matrix of job responsibilities that seek to encompass every possible aspect of Star Atlas regardless of the size and growth of Star Horizons.

The organization offers members many opportunities to rise into a governance position and explore different play styles and roles by joining one of many clans. Above all this, Star Horizons provides pathways for change and improvement by giving every member a voice in public forums (House & Senate). It even inserts a system of checks and balances to ensure each branch functions as intended.

Just as Star Atlas is an ambitious metaverse proposition, Star Horizons is also an ambitious organization that seeks to expand and grow in value endlessly. Star Horizons is a Star Atlas alliance that embraces and will continue to embrace every development with innovative and creative ways to achieve its mission and vision.

Join us in the journey.


  1. Original Star Atlas White Paper:

  1. Tokenomics and In-game Economy Whitepaper:

  1. ATLAS: Star Atlas Tokens

  1. POLIS: Star Atlas Token

  1. Star Atlas Town Halls

  1. Star Atlas YouTube Channel

  1. Star Atlas Official Website


The content provided in this White Paper is for general informational or reference purposes only. In no way or form does it imply any element of a contractual relationship. The information in this working paper can be incomplete or incorrect and can change at any time. The author and Star Horizons do not accept any liability for direct or indirect losses resulting from the use of this information, data, or ideas.

This White Paper does not constitute a prospectus or offer of securities of any kind. It does not provide advice or opinions on any investments.

If in doubt on how to use the information on this document, the reader is advised to consult with appropriate professional(s), including legal, financial, and tax consultants.



Star Horizons

Star Horizons is a Star Atlas DAC focused on creating a metaverse that embraces the potential of every individual.