Dr David R. Hawkins “Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour”: A Short Summary

5 min readOct 28, 2023


Dr David R. Hawkins’ ground-breaking book “Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour” was first released in 1995. Hawkins delves into the workings of human consciousness in this book, highlighting the significant effects it has on our feelings, ideas, and actions. He distinguishes between power and force, two essential elements that shape our life, using a distinct scale of consciousness.

The Scale of Consciousness:

“Power vs. Force” revolves around Dr Hawkins’ novel scale of consciousness, called the “Map of Consciousness.” This vibrational frequency scale, which goes from 1 to 1,000, is used to quantify human awareness. Force-based states are found at the bottom of the scale, and power-based states are found at the top. This scale provides a useful framework for comprehending behaviour in people and for personal growth.


On the awareness scale, force is connected to lower levels. This level of functioning is characterised by emotions such as pride, fear, rage, and desire. Force is motivated by manipulation, control, and ego. At this stage, people frequently look to others for approval, are quick to pass judgement, and have constrained viewpoints on life. Conflict and unfavourable results are frequently the results of decisions and actions taken at this level.


Higher consciousness levels, on the other hand, are connected to power. These are the states of love, bravery, logic, and acceptance. When someone is acting from a place of inner power, they are more intent on making a positive impact on the world. They display qualities like humility, compassion, and knowledge. Powerful decisions and deeds typically result in harmony, prosperity, and personal development.

Transcending Force:

The book “Power vs. Force” exhorts readers to pursue power over force. One must set out on a path of self-discovery, reflection, and personal development in order to do this. This entails accepting and letting go of ego-driven desires, acknowledging and releasing negative emotions, and working towards honesty and inner serenity.

Calibrating Consciousness:

The claim made by Hawkins that consciousness can be tuned makes his work distinctive. He used muscular testing, or kinesiology, to gauge the consciousness of different people, historical occurrences, and even literary works. Although there has been considerable doubt about this method, it is a key component of his theory in the book.

According to Hawkins, people and things that have a higher consciousness calibration have a more beneficial and constructive influence on the world. On the other hand, people with lower calibrations frequently add to disorder and negativity. Although there is some disagreement on the accuracy of this kind of consciousness calibration, Hawkins’ work relies heavily on this idea.

The Impact of Power and Force:

Hawkins provides examples of the real-world applications of force and power in a variety of contexts, such as relationships, health, and personal growth. He offers insights into the ways in which force can result in stress, disease, and interpersonal problems, while power can promote better health and harmonious relationships.

The Role of Truth:

The significance of truth is emphasized in “Power vs. Force” as a crucial component in the progression from force to power. Adopting honesty and truth, according to Hawkins, is a necessary first step on the path to personal development. Being genuine with oneself and other people elevates consciousness, which results in a more purposeful and happy existence.

The Ego and Surrender:

A recurrent theme in the work is ego. Hawkins argues that a major obstacle to gaining power is the ego, which is connected to force. People must accept a state of surrender and let go of ego-driven needs and desires in order to gain access to power. In this sense, surrender is letting go of expectations and embracing life as it happens.

Spirituality and Consciousness:

“Power vs. Force” explores the relationship between consciousness and spirituality as well. Hawkins contends that a person’s degree of consciousness and spiritual development are intimately related. People have a sense of unity and interconnectedness with the universe as they rise in consciousness and become more spiritually attuned.

Responsibility and Accountability:

The significance of accountability and personal responsibility is emphasised throughout the text. People can take charge of their fate and build a more positive reality by realising that their ideas and deeds directly affect both the world and their own lives. This is related to the notion that one might deliberately decide to act from a position of power as opposed to force.

Critique and Controversy:

“Power vs. Force” has drawn praise from many, yet it has also drawn criticism. The reliability of Hawkins’ scale of consciousness and the validity of his calibrating technique are questioned by detractors. There are many who contend that the scale is unsupported by actual data and that this method oversimplifies the complexity of human behaviour. The book has also drawn criticism for relying too heavily on metaphysical and spiritual ideas that not all readers will find relatable.


David R. Hawkins’ “Power vs. Force” is an insightful examination of human awareness and the significant influence it has on our lives. Hawkins provides a framework for comprehending the distinction between force and power and how they affect our experiences and behaviour through the scale of awareness. Unquestionably, the book inspires readers to ponder how their thoughts and deeds affect the world, even though it has received both positive and negative reviews. Whether or not one agrees with all of Hawkins’ points of view, “Power vs. Force” provides an insightful viewpoint on human development and the quest for a life that is more meaningful and purposeful.

Check out the full audiobook at Audible or the hard copy at Amazon.

