Have a Metal Complex Dye and Fluorescent Pigment for the Industrial Use

Unite Star
2 min readAug 3, 2018


We have wished to go to buy the high-quality pigment and dyes for our home to meet the elegant and long lasting support for home. Our company has provided the right option to get the best quality for the metal complex dyes and it can support to make use for an industrial purpose. Our company is the best manufacturer in various types of the metal complex dye. So it can support to make use of the paint firms, textile, and inks. So we have the many years of experience that can be assured to deliver the first class dyes to the customer at the friendly price. We have made this by the combination of chromium and the cobalt complexes.

Metal Complex Dyes

Image result for http://www.starpigment.com/metal-complex-dye-c-24_26.html

Our product can support the numerous applications for the buyers and pure metal complex dye like solvent yellow company dyes also in the form of the solvent red complex dyes. Our company can assure the products on time with the absence of the hassle to the correct address. We are also provide you the customer support solution and it can b open at any time. We can also provide you with the first class solution for the customers. When you came to choose the types of metal complex dye and it makes sure the industrial purpose before buying and it can fulfil your needs.

Fluorescent Pigments

By using these types of the fluorescent pigment all sorts of the colours may glow decorations and it can be done. There are also no limits in the application. We cannot recommend mixing the fluorescent pigments among each other because the fluorescent effects can suffer .it can be in many colours like blue-white, yellow-white, lemon yellow, yellow, light orange, orange, signal red, pink, green, blue. The black lights can emit the ultraviolet light and it is the invisible class of the electromagnetic radiation with the higher frequency so it can reemit the visible light. At the night time, the fluorescent objects can appear to glow and it can be exposed to the black light.

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