Josephine McAdam — Actress and rising star in gaming [INTERVIEW]
4 min readOct 22, 2018


Josephine McAdam is a half French, half Scottish actress who has had a broad career in shorts, features, web-series and television, including a recurring role in The Leftovers.

Mcadam has won the Grand Jury Award & Lone Star Award SXSW for her work in Tower, as well as Stanley Film Fest 2015 Jury Award & Audience Award for her lead role in the short Babysitter Murders.

We spoke to her about her blossoming career in gaming as an up-and-coming star on Twitch.

James Smith spoke to the lovely and talented Josephine McAdam about her venture into Twitch and her latest projects.

James: Hello Josephine.

Josephine: Hey!

James: Where do you hail from?

Josephine: I was born in Coventry, England.

James: Cool. For those who don’t know, what are you known for?

Josephine: I am known for my acting, gaming and love of tea.

James: Why do you love tea ? Is that a European thing or for other reason?

Josephine: Hahaha, my dad is Scottish — I just grew up always understanding that tea is a basic Scottish need throughout one’s day.

James: I see. Did you go to school for acting?

Josephine: I went to the University of Texas at Austin and majored in Theatre and Dance, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts with an acting focus at 19.

James: Impressive. Theatrical dance or a lot of styles of dance? Do you have a favorite acting technique?

Josephine: The major is in Theatre and Dance just because it’s grouped as one thing — but I didn’t take any dance classes. Ha Ha. I don’t have any skill in that. I don’t have a favorite acting technique no.

James: I also went to a performing arts school and can’t dance that well.

Josephine: Ha Ha.

James: You play a lot of games on Twitch, do you remember the first game you played?

Josephine: The first game I remember playing and that impacted me most was Dungeons & Dragons. I was so SO lucky that my dad would be the Dungeon Master for my brother and me when I was growing up! There is no better dungeon master than one’s father — someone who really cares about your experience and wants you to have a great time, while also challenging you with puzzles and critical thinking! I still play D&D to this day!

James: Neat! How did you get into Twitch?

Josephine: Oh! I got into Twitch thanks to my friend Ryon Day. I was still in Austin at the time and he had mentioned this thing called Twitch that he and his sister had started getting in to! He suggested I should come over and join sometime, so I did… I was already playing video games quite regularly so it seemed quite natural to just start streaming it myself! Since then the community has grown and given me such support — it’s been a wonderful experience and great boost to my morale to have so many folks cheering me on in my acting career!

James: Twitch has some great communities.

Josephine: For me, Twitch is a beautiful outlet that lets me escape Hollywood for a bit each week and get to chat with a like-minded, kind, considerate community. It’s a good balance with an acting career as it allows me to dictate my own schedule when auditions or filming comes up — and lets me share a hobby (gaming) that I’ve always been interested in with others! I also love having a way to do charity drives and community work even with a smaller name (before I’m ridiculously famous and successful of course ;)) — the amounts of money we’ve been able to raise never ceases to amaze me and makes me feel very humbled and grateful to get to have the support of such a special community.

James: Let’s say you became the next big thing like Jennifer Lawrence. Will you stop Twitch streaming/acting and say, I’ve achieved all my dreams or will you continue to build on that success?

Josephine: I would still Twitch stream when I want to every now and then for fun anyhow. No, I don’t imagine I’ll ever stop acting. I don’t think you ever stop having something to achieve and reach — there’s always more people out there to reach, and more causes to fight for, I don’t have plans of stopping if I have any choice in the matter!

To check out the rest of this interview, click on the link!


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