How do I create an NFT on Stars.Art?
2 min readMay 11, 2022


Creating an NFT on Stars.Art is fairly straightforward!

Here’s how the process works.

From, simply click the Create item button in the upper right corner. You will then be prompted to select blockchain. For now Stars.Art uses just Ethereum, that’s why only one button is selectable. But we keep optimizing the customer journey by making upgrades and improvements. In the near future the platform will be adding support for the Solana and Klaytn ecosystems.

After selecting the blockchain you will then be prompted to choose a token standard. Stars.Art is designed to sell both single pieces of art and collections and therefore enforces two token standards — ERC-721 & ERC-1155. Let’s look at the difference between them. ERC-721 requires a separate contract to be deployed for each token type or collection. ERC-1155 is the Multi-token standard which works for all types of assets — fungible and non-fungible. It removes the need to “approve” individual token contracts separately and allows to transfer multiple token types at once, saving on transaction costs.

Please note that the initial launch supports ERC-1155 standard in reduced functionality mode with multiple token types support planned soon after.

Clicking the ERC-721 button will take you to the Create item page that will allow you to upload your artwork(s), add a name and include a description.

Please note that the initial launch supports the following file formats: jpg, png, gif, svg.

Stars.Art covers 10 types of NFTs — art, music, photography, games, trading cards, sports, virtual worlds, explicit content, memes, punk collectibles. Be sure to indicate which category your item will be associated with. Select the appropriate category from the drop down list.

After completing those fields, don’t forget to choose the royalty percentage so you could earn a commission every time the asset is sold to a new person. You can set a percentage up to 15%.

Once you’re finished, click Create item at the bottom. Please make sure you have enough ETH to cover the gas fee for minting your NFT. A pop-up will appear for you to confirm the transaction. Click Confirm, and you’ll see the transaction in progress. Once the transaction is complete, the item will be uploaded to the account you own. It often happens that the operational volume is too high for the marketplace to handle in real time. In this case there might be a slight delay before the item gets visible.

Congrats, you’ve just made your first NFT!



⭐️ Stars.Art - TRUE DAO NFT marketplace 🔸Real autonomy and flexibility! 🔸Regulatory stability 🔸Cost-effectiveness #NFT #starsartnft #art