Seed Round to Series E: Strategies for Scaling Your Startup

SXSW 2024 session featuring tech entrepreneur Sam Gottman

StartingUpGood Magazine
3 min readMar 12, 2024


Sam Gottman is a serially successful tech entrepreneur and current CEO of OwnBackup, a company that has raised over $500 million in funding. Read on for Gottman’s insights from his entrepreneurial journey and his experience working at Golden Seeds, a venture capital firm focused on gender-diverse management teams.


The Entrepreneurial Journey: Lessons Learned

Gottman’s entrepreneurial journey began early, from running an IT consulting business in high school to founding an online backup services company in college. Through these experiences, he learned the importance of solving real problems and understanding customer needs. His time working at a venture capital firm also provided valuable insights into evaluating startups and negotiating term sheets.

Building and Scaling a Successful Startup

OwnBackup, Gottman’s current company provides data protection and backup services for SaaS applications. He attributes the company’s success to three key factors:

  1. Focusing on execution
  2. Hiring great people
  3. Being open to learning

Gottman emphasizes the importance of aligning founder and investor goals to foster successful partnerships and avoid contentious board meetings.

Navigating the Evolving Startup Landscape

The role of VCs has changed over time, with a growing focus on efficient growth and profitability. While raising capital has become more challenging, Gottman believes opportunities still exist for startups with strong market potential and solid business plans. He advises entrepreneurs to be prepared for the changing expectations and metrics used by investors at different stages of growth.

Advice for Entrepreneurs and Startup Leaders

  1. Focus on solving real problems you are passionate about and understand intimately.
  2. Be open to learning, adapt to changing circumstances, and surround yourself with people smarter than you.
  3. Prioritize execution and building a strong team over chasing funding or excessive perks.
  4. Consider alternative funding options like bootstrapping or debt financing, depending on your goals and vision for the company.

The Potential of Data and AI in Startups

Gottman touched on the potential of data and AI in startups, noting that while data is often referred to as the “new gold,” concrete use cases for AI are still in early stages of development. He advises startups to explore the potential applications of data and AI in their industries while remaining focused on solving specific problems.


Scaling a startup is a challenging but rewarding journey. By learning from the experiences of successful entrepreneurs like Sam Gottman, founders can gain valuable insights and strategies to navigate the complexities of growth. Remember to stay focused on solving real problems, prioritize execution and team building, and remain open to learning and adaptation.

Learn More

Listen to this session in its entirety. Explore our full list of SXSW sessions covering startups and social impact.

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