Filipa, see you soon!

Startup Braga
6 min readApr 12, 2019


by lot’s of people

[Important Note: There is a high probability that Filipa will either not like this content or love it very much.]

Today we say “see you” to Filipa!

Our favourite program manager is packing her bags and saying goodbye to our team today. As a woman of great challenges, she leaves the Startup Braga team, but not our community.

She never lost herself, not her will to make things happen. In the last year and six months, Filipa has been at the forefront of several projects, conquering each person with her own way of being. Therefore, we decided (behind her back), to gather some good wishes. There were many startups who decided to leave a special message to our Filipa.

Here they are, because … we want Filipa to be happy!

Good luck Filipa, because… actually forget luck, you won’t need it at all. Your enthusiasm, sympathy and vibrant energy will rock anywhere you go!

By Imaginando

Good luck Filipa, because… you deserve it.


Good luck Filipa, may you…

Continue opening every closed door and lighten up the day of every startup;

Continue sharing your big smile with everyone you see, either at 9 am or at 6 pm

Continue pulling strings for every one of your new teammates like you always did for us

Continue to be a part of every team and company you cross paths with (even though you will never look as good as you did when you rocked Nutrium t-shirts)

Start practising karaoke, PLEASE!

Most of all, the team wishes you the best of luck in the world! The rest of the world deserves to know the same great person we had the chance to laugh, complain, share, and mock with.

P.S: We are sure we will continue to be updated with what you are up to through Instagram.

By Nutrium

Good luck Filipa, because dedicated professionals like you deserve it! Thank you for your unconditional support, care and particularly positive attitude. You will certainly be missed. Always expect a welcoming smile when you visit us — and please don’t forget Tita! ;)

By Mubcargo

Good luck Filipa, because you were always there when we needed. We wish you all the best.

By Primecog

Good luck Filipa, because we really enjoyed working with you, thanks a lot for all your support, encouragement and goodwill you have shown to us over the time in here. You are an exceptional person dedicated to promoting excellence and making the Startup Braga a nice place to be. We will definitely miss you (and the snacks), and we hope you will keep in touch with us from time to time. Good luck with the new job!

By Performetric

Good luck Filipa, because of the joy, the good vibrations and the efficiency you always bring into our work days. We spend at least 1/3 of our days working. We spend that time inside the same building, sometimes a bit darker than we would like — and we all have “those days”, right? But you always shed your light into our scene… Daily! Either by bringing good news into our house or by connecting us to the best opportunities available in the ecosystem. We have no doubt your smile will prevail, even after you’re gone — and only “physically” gone, we know that (you’ll be around!). Thank you for everything!


Good luck Filipa, because you’ve always made us feel at home at startup Braga! Our doors will always be open to you ;)

By SafeCloud

Good luck Filipa, because even changing jobs you are stuck with your friends for life.

Good luck Filipa because you are awesome, beautifull, driven person that raises the energy, the moral and make things happen. Actually, they are the lucky ones for having you!

By Git//scale

Good luck Filipa because life is a challenge to be solved! It is up to you gather the best team to help you achieve the prize, whatever it may be! Thank you for being awesome

By Taikai

Good luck Filipa because you deserve all good. You’re the kind of person who makes it happen. Altruistic, nice, truthful. Thankfully we signed up for Startup Braga. Thankfully we decided to participate in this acceleration program. Above all, great that we got to know you and that you are part of our journey, surely we are richer because of you. We wish you all the best and happiness. We don’t wish you luck because you don’t need it, you have everything else. Luck is the result of work and competence. Huge kiss.


Good luck Filipa, because…. bahh, you don’t need luck, you just need to keep the good work and things naturally happen! The best of the world and até já! Beijinhos

By Izirepair

Good look Filipa because you need to rock the crypto world

By Premium Label

Good luck Filipa because everything can be fixed

By Oscar

Good luck Filipa, because luck is the only program you can’t manage

By Biofabics

Good luck,because you are an incredible human being

By Juntar a Junta

Good luck Filipa, because “Identifying what limits us and facing those same limitations are the only premises capable of leading us to salvation and they are siamese, for whoever identifies and does not face them will live eternally haunted by what he could have done and never did.” It is from Filipa’s favorite author, Gustavo Santos.

By Francisco Quintas (gnration)

Good luck Filipa, because YOU ARE BIG!

By Raquel Nair (gnration)

Good luck Filipa, because CineTita needs you. Thank you for all the great memories, you sure are one of the most special parts of my experience here and i know i always find a good friend in you. Go ahead on inspiring all those future offices or whatever with your constant gigantic smile and sassy humor. Everybody needs a pumped-up-cross-fited-awesome-person for a colleague. Thank you for everything and see you tomorrow at lunch.

By Pedro Sousa (gnration)

Good luck Filipa, because you’re my favorite; and that’s a lot for a Slytherin to say about a Ravenclaw.

By Mariana Machado (ex-Startup Braga.

Good Luck Filipa because I will take all the chocolate to deal with your distance. You can keep the spinach shake and trust that you’re off to great places you’re off and away!

Hail to the Queen of Startup Braga! Hail to the Preferida!

By Alexandre Mendes (Startup Braga)

Good luck Filipa, because… you deserve everything good, you are one of the kindest persons and best professionals that I ever met. Good luck because you’re the best! :)

By Rui Pinheiro (Startup Braga)

Good luck Filipa, because you have the ability to conquer everything around you with your strength. Filipa, this is another small step for you to conquer the world! Go, do not let go of anything that is really important and be happy!

By Ana Daniela Pereira (Startup Braga)



Startup Braga

Startup Braga is an innovation hub, designed to assist high potential entrepreneurial projects in reaching international markets and building business models.