5 Skills You Should Check While Hiring a Mobile App Developer

Startup Creator
3 min readMar 19, 2024


A mobile app developer is a professional who uses their development skills and programming languages to create, develop, and test applications that can run on mobile devices. Owing to the nature of their job, mobile app developers work in and around operating system environments like Android and iOS.

While creating different types of applications, mobile app developers consider a variety of UI and UX principles that they have learned over the years. Before hiring a mobile app developer or app designer, you need to check and figure out whether they have the requisite skills to do the tasks that will be assigned to them.

Here are 5 skills you should check while hiring a mobile app developer:

Platform Based Skills

When a mobile app developer is well-versed in cross-platform frameworks like Flutter and React Native, they find it very easy to write code that is compatible with and can be run on multiple platforms. The two primary platforms most developers work around are iOS and Android.

By creating or entering the right code, a developer can put together apps and services that can work smoothly on different platforms. At the moment, more than 1.8 million iOS applications and 2.5 million Android applications exist in the world.

Programming Proficiency

In mobile app development practices, programming often serves as the backbone. By using different programming languages, a developer creates applications that cater to different platforms. Based on the platform given to them to work around, a developer chooses a suitable programming language.

If a company needs a developer to create an Android application, they need to look for someone who is well-versed in Java and Kotlin. While Java has continued to be popular for the last several years, Kotlin has made a place for itself in a modern-day programming environment. Having a good command of Objective-C and Swift is important to develop iOS applications.

Design Principles

Before worrying about offshoring and other activities, you should work towards finding a mobile app developer who has a good idea about design principles related to user experience or UX and user interface or UI.

While UX focuses on making the app simple and accessible for the users, UI involves enabling a seamless interaction or engagement between the application and the user. UI principles talk about creating distinctive solutions for the user and client. UI principles revolve around the usability of the app.

Database Management

Apart from technical skills, mobile app developers are also expected to have some management skills. A company would expect the mobile app developer to ensure all the data is stored properly and can be retrieved as and when needed. Needless to say, data management is important for every company out there.

Along with managing data securely, a mobile app developer must know how to optimize performance and strengthen offline functionality. They also have to make sure that data regulations are being followed and that the database management system that is put together is robust and reliable. If they will not be engaged with the app after developing it, they should guide the team towards managing the data efficiently.

Feature Integration

In today’s times, a company expects a mobile app developer to be equipped with a variety of skills and capabilities to ensure the app offers a good experience to the user. A mobile app developer, therefore, has to have some understanding of integrating different features like payment processing, real-time weather data, media logins, and mapping services.

A mobile app developer is expected to be skilled in reading and interpreting documentation related to API or application programming interfaces. They should also be swift while responding to or handling API errors. Using API, they should be able to streamline tasks that demand a lot of time or resources.

