Optimizing for the right values

Nexy - a community of makers
1 min readAug 23, 2018


Money is not the terminal value for most people. There are plenty of studies showing that after $70K/year, money stops affecting happiness that much.

Do you need the *most* profitable business or one that makes the most impact? Or one that makes you happy? Or one that allows you to afford the lifestyle you want with minimal effort? Or the one that feels the most meaningful? Or the most interesting one where you will learn the most?

What threshold would you need to cross to be satisfied? I’ve recently realized that if I’ll make $10k/month I would be perfectly happy with my income and won’t need more. After that, what matters most will be how meaningful and interesting my business is.

Looking for the most interesting/meaningful business that can cross $10k/mo in revenue is very different than looking for a business that can make the most money. Different question, different search space, different answers.



Nexy - a community of makers

A community of makers who use technology to build cool projects and turn them into profitable businesses. https://nexy.io