Online Business Club Review -Is Dave Nick Genuine or a Scam?

Start Up Online
5 min readNov 11, 2023

In the vast landscape of online business opportunities, it’s crucial to tread cautiously, especially when considering joining a club or program promising financial success. One such platform that has garnered attention is the Online Business Club, spearheaded by Dave Nick. The burning question on many minds is whether Dave Nick and his venture are legitimate or if they fall into the realm of scams.

Online Business Club, according to Dave Nick, offers the opportunity to engage in giveaways, interact with online business experts, access free courses on YouTube Automation, and learn the secrets to generating a six-figure income on YouTube, potentially allowing you to leave your traditional employment. Dave Nick confidently asserts that achieving this level of success is possible with less than four hours of work per day, all without revealing your true identity to anyone.

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However, let’s scrutinize the membership and assess whether it lives up to the extraordinary claims, acknowledging that some might find these assertions hard to believe.

Before making any commitment to join this program, it’s advisable to delve into this Online Business Club review.

Online Business Club Review: Quick Details

  • Name: Online Business Club
  • Owner: Dave Nick
  • Website:
  • Socials: Instagram, YouTube
  • Type: Training program
  • Niche: YouTube Automation
  • Recommended?: Giveaways are worth over $20,000 a month, you can talk to millionaires, get courses worth $10,000 every month, and talk directly to millionaires for an insanely small fee, so I would recommend, but first read this review or you might regret it.

What is Online Business Club?

Online Business Club serves as a community of online business experts, offering comprehensive courses on various money-making strategies on platforms such as YouTube, affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, and more. Additionally, members can engage with successful entrepreneurs, participate in giveaways, receive free AI tools and coupons, network with industry leaders, secure sponsors, achieve monetization, and enjoy various other benefits.

The sales page for this program asserts that new private courses, learning materials, and masterclasses are exclusively provided for Online Business Club Members & Partners on a monthly basis.

While Online Business Club hosts numerous step-by-step courses covering diverse online business niches, the focus here will be on Dave Nick’s courses. Nick shares insights into 50 ways to earn $1,000 a month online, with one notable method being YouTube Automation. He reveals unique strategies for generating income on YouTube without revealing one’s face and even shares his experience in getting hundreds of YouTube channels monetized in a single day, raising ethical considerations for users to judge.

Despite the absence of a clearly outlined course outline online, Online Business Club offers access to a private community, coaching calls, and a plethora of resources to help establish the foundation of a YouTube business. Although resembling other “YouTube automation” courses, this training program distinguishes itself with its unique points and features.

Who is Dave Nick?

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Dave Nick, born on October 29, 2001, is a serial entrepreneur and YouTube expert renowned for founding the Online Business Academy, a leading educational platform for entrepreneurs. His YouTube channel holds the prestigious title of being the #1 Online Business YouTube channel globally.

Widely recognized as a top Business YouTuber, Dave Nick is celebrated for his innovative business ideas, digital growth tactics, and business development skills. Through his platform, Online Business Academy & Private Consulting, Nick has cultivated a substantial network of clients and provided significant exposure for brands and businesses.

Nick’s achievements include receiving two Golden Play Buttons from YouTube for surpassing 1,000,000 subscribers and multiple Silver Play Buttons for reaching over 100,000 subscribers. His success has also attracted media attention, with features in outlets such as Daily Caller, Flaunt, New York Times, American Daily Post, and Yahoo.

Dave Nick embarked on his career as a YouTuber at the age of 13, initially creating compilation channels. After establishing several educational YouTube channels, he consolidated his expertise into his primary channel, “Dave Nick,” which boasts over 750,000 subscribers as of April 10, 2023.

Following successful ventures in business and YouTube, Dave Nick founded the Online Business Academy, an online learning platform offering entrepreneurs expert learning materials, resources, and connections. Notably, his course “Automation Systems” enrolled over 2,500 students globally and earned the title of the Best Selling YouTube Course of 2022.

Born into a financially disadvantaged family, Dave Nick began working at the age of 13 to support his family. Now a successful entrepreneur and digital creator, he owns four public companies, manages multiple YouTube channels, and has real estate properties in Europe and Dubai. While his exact earnings are challenging to determine, his estimated net worth is around $12,680,000 USD.

Regarding the Online Business Club, Dave claims it’s the exclusive space where individuals can directly interact with internet millionaires, access step-by-step programs, and have the chance to win giveaways and prizes. Having been part of the Online Business Club for approximately 45 days, the reviewer notes instances of members making money through affiliate sales and mentions Dave’s team giving away over $30,000 to members.

The review provides links to video testimonials from members sharing their experiences with the Online Business Club.

Pros and Cons of Online Business Club:

- The course incorporates significant social proof, including Dave Nick’s substantial YouTube subscriber base, indicating credibility.
- Success stories and testimonials from past students with over one million views on their channels showcase tangible results.
- The course teaches how to generate income with minimal effort.

- The primary drawback is that, as of now, everything within the club is virtual.
- The expectation of physical meetups or more direct communication with Dave Nick may not be met.
- The community is hosted on Discord, which might be challenging for newcomers.

DISCLAIMER: This review is entirely independent

Everything I’ve learned about Affiliate Marketing, I owe to my incredible mentor, Dave Nick

Image of Dave Nick

He’s a true Affiliate marketing genius, making seven figures in Affiliate income.

And can say is way better than most of the thousand dollar courses fake gurus try to sell you.

If you’re serious about Affiliate Marketing, I highly recommend that you Join Online Business Club | Affiliate Marketing challenge here.

Note: There are affiliate links in the article and if you buy something, I’ll get a commission at no extra cost to you.

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