Pulse of the European Startup Ecosystem — Update Q1 2022

Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2022

Green Tech does not get as much investment, as media attention. Fintech is still number one.
Thomas Kösters, MD DEEP Ecosystem

About the Pulse of the European Startup Ecosystem

The European startup scene is changing fast. There are new players, old ones fading away, and even more to come in their place- all vying for a piece of this growing pie! In order not to get left behind you need regular updates on what’s going on so that our entrepreneurs can stay one step ahead when building or investing in companies here. That’s why we started the “Pulse of the European Startup Ecosystem” which will provide you with quarterly podcasts chronicling different aspects related to startup activity across European Hubs, supported by the data from the specialized analytics company DEEP Ecosystem.

The Exclusive Report

A little note here: There was a glitch in the seed data — in the version we used for our YouTube recording. Please refer to the corrected numbers in the document below:

Straight to the report with a QR Code

Funding for fintechs is in our metrics still No1, even though Deep Tech is much broader.
Thomas Kösters, MD DEEP Ecosystem

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We see meetups as a leading indicator. People joined meetups in large hubs online, especially Stockholm. Now more meetups take place in person again and so they become less international, with lower attendance.
Thomas Kösters, MD DEEP Ecosystem

Sub-Podcast “Pulse of the European Startup System”

We started a cooperation with DEEP Ecosystems as a new sub-podcast. You can subscribe there and keep up to date with our quarterly updates with them. All content is also available on Startuprad.io, but if you are only interested in our bird's eye view of European startup hubs, this is a podcast you can not miss. Find all options to follow and subscribe with the link below.

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The Video Interview is set to go live on June 7th, 2022

The Audio Interview

You can subscribe to our podcasts here.


Startups in Europe raises 28.2 bn US$ in Q1 2022, the 2nd highest quarterly number on record. ⇒ Is this a lagging indicator!
CB Insights wrote just a few days ago: https://news.crunchbase.com/news/eu-funding-slows-europe-investment-startups-russia-ukraine/

But the seed funnel for startup investments is declining.

Hot sectors are currently

· Fintech

· Deeptech

· Health

· AI & Data

Startups Generated in the first quarter of 2022 more than 50.000 jobs. There are 90% more job openings, with the largest openings currently in fintech, health and biotech.

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The Interviewer

This interview was conducted by Jörn “Joe” Menninger, startup scout, founder, and host of Startuprad.io. Reach out to him:

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