Failure is not an option, it’s inevitable

2 min readMar 31, 2016


Everyone is afraid of failure and because of that, often times we back out from stuff that we really want to do. We never think of the fact that failure is inevitable. This does not mean that you will fail at everything you do, at a certain point. What it means is that, there is no way you can escape failure. You will eventually fail at something in your life.

Is it such a bad thing?

No. Actually it is the best thing that could happen. Because it gives you a better understanding of what it takes to succeed. So you have to keep trying until you accomplish your goal, and by then you would have exhausted various scenarios that could have let to eventual failure if you succeeded on your first try. The most important thing that failure does is keep you grounded at all times. If you think you’re never going to fail, and when you do, it’s a rough fall.

Fail often and succeed

“A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins”. This is true and there’s no better feeling than winning after trying over and over again. It increases the happiness and satisfaction you get from winning, by ten-fold. Failure doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. It just means that you took your first steps toward success. It’s up to you to take the next few steps because like failure, success is also inevitable, but only if you learn from your failures.

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