A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with One Step

2 min readJul 12, 2018


It is incredibly overwhelming to start a company, or to start anything really. You have huge dreams and expectation, and think progress will come quickly, if not easily. That is rarely the case. Usually progress is slow, halting and confusing. It’s easy to get sidelined by doubts, fears and exhaustion (mental and physical).

It takes a herculean effort of patience and perseverance in order to launch a successful company, and while money helps, it can just as often hurt, exacerbating bad habits and inhibiting creativity.

In the picture above we can see Jeff Bezos, who I sometimes wonder if he’s human (perhaps he is building Blue Origins to go back to his home planet), at the very beginning of Amazon, which had only sold books. But Jeff knew where he wanted to go. He had a vision and that vision began with a simple idea and a first step, sell book online. From there, every step would be followed by another.

Take a step, any step…

I started my new blog with this saying because I can just as easily fall into the trap of procrastination. I wanted to share my experience in Zen and startups and discuss how they overlap and intertwine, and help my fellow entrepreneurs succeed. But is what I have to say and share good enough? Would people care? I want to do podcasts and videos, and I want them to be amazing. Wow, talk about pressure. Take a breath, take a minute and just relax. In Zen we call this monkey mind, when the mind starts going everywhere, creating fears, doubts and inaction. After all, if you don;t act you can’t fail, and failing sucks. I know, I’ve had my share of failure, but you know, failure is the crap that feeds success.

So take that first step, no matter what it is. For me it is writing this blog, right now. And the rest will follow step by step. What is your first step, or next step? Keep going because wherever it leads you’ll know more, be further along and creating a hero’s path. Keep going.

🙇 The entrepreneur in me bows to the entrepreneur in you.


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An entrepreneur journeyman, hiking at the crossroads of Humanity and Technology