Startup Universe is now Global!In 2023, and after two years of consecutive success, Startup Universe is breaking down continental borders through this year’s online…Sep 4, 2023Sep 4, 2023
European Startup Universe Closing ConferenceHuge success! Is a short description of the 4-Day Closing Conference of the European Startup Universe.May 7, 2022May 7, 2022
European Startup Universe | Closing Conference | Friday, May 6, AgendaIntro by MEP Eva Kaili, Vice President of the European Parliament, Chair Science Technology & C4AI, STOAMay 5, 2022May 5, 2022
European Startup Universe Closing ConferenceThe European Startup Universe, in the scope of the 3 day Closing Conference, organizes an online event on the 6th of May 2022 at 16:00 CET.May 4, 2022May 4, 2022
End of the European Startup Universe national programsAs you set out for Ithaka, hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery. (Ithaka, C. P. CAVAFY).Apr 21, 2022Apr 21, 2022
European Startup Universe Closing Conference | 6 May 2022 — SAVE THE DATE!European Startup Universe is happy to announce that it will have a 3-day Closing Conference of the ESU for 2022, from the 5th to the 7th…Apr 11, 2022Apr 11, 2022
More than 1500 EU tech founders are ready to make the next step for their startup with the support…The European Startup Universe startup programs have officially launched in the first days of March. The main goal of the whole European…Mar 3, 2022Mar 3, 2022
Join the ESU startup programs exclusively for tech founders across the EU. The deadline is close!European Startup Universe offers a massive network of opportunities for all the tech founders across the EU. The deadline for registering…Feb 26, 2022Feb 26, 2022
European Startup Universe Info Day: Presentation of the possibilities for early-stage startups to…The second European Startup Universe Info Day took place with great success on the 22nd of February at 6:00 pm CET. The online event was…Feb 23, 2022Feb 23, 2022
European Startup Universe Info Day is coming to present the opportunities for every early-stage EU…European Startup Universe is on the way to supporting hundreds of early-stage tech founders across Europe. On the 22nd of February, at 6:00…Feb 19, 2022Feb 19, 2022