First impressions matter most

If you’re explaining your business to someone for the first time, pay close attention to how they react to it

2 min readDec 20, 2016

If you’ve got a new business and you’re meeting someone, pay attention to what they say when they say “I looked at your website, your business does…”

If you’ve never previously told them about your business, all they’ve got to go on is the marketing material you’ve produced

This is the same material that your potential customers will see. So if the person you’re meeting says “Your business does x”, but it actually does y, your potential customers are not going to be thinking the same thing

As you’re explaining the different aspects of your business to the person you’re meeting, focus on the way they respond to them.

If they seem confused by a feature, make sure to clearly explain it on your website. If they seem excited by something, consider making that prominent in your marketing material

Whilst it’s important to pay attention to their response to your business, bear in mind that the person you’re speaking to may be more familiar with your business/product/industry than your potential customers will be.

If they’re a fellow founder, they’ll just understand more aspects of your product or business model and so may not criticise as deeply as you need to hear.

You should always assume that your potential customer understand absolutely nothing about your product or business — explain everything simply and clearly

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