3 important do’s to let your kid fall in love with handwriting practice

3 min readJun 21, 2018


I have a 4-year old niece at home whose name is Tiara. Every time her mother makes her sit and practice handwriting she runs away to either cuddle her big teddy in the corner or just under the table! Noticing it for a few days I nervously walked up to her one day to ask her the reason behind doing it. She promptly replied ‘But I just hate writing! It’s very boring; no fun at all!’ Her answer left me and my sister baffled but realizing she woke us up to witness a bitter truth we didn’t know what to do? The next few hours were spent thinking of ways how to push her to write in whatever way possible and just then we noticed her playing with her toy house. Tiara had a small toy house which had disjointed parts and it needed to be put part by part one after another to be a complete one. We noticed her taking a part of the house like the door and fixing it in the right place. In the meantime she was also uttering the words clearly while picking the object! This was a hint for us to of ways to handwriting practice for kids like her.

Learning to write should be spontaneous

You can push a child to write or do anything for that matter at a tender age as he lacks the ability to understand the necessity of it. If you keep on pestering for a particular act it will always have the negative result of him losing interest in the work. Therefore, pushing is not the solution. The only solution is to discover and invent if necessary ways and means to lure a child to practice handwriting. This can also be done with the help of the best handwriting practice worksheets which will help how to make a child write neatly.

Combine art and craft

Kids have an imaginative mind and are new to their surroundings. Every day of their life is a day of new discovery. Therefore, convert their practice of handwriting to an activity that is full of fun and creativity. For example give them a small basket of fruits and ask them to choose their favorite one. Having chosen ask them to say it aloud and then give them to write it. Similarly, you can give them crayons of different colors and ask their favorite color. Then, just ask them to write it by showing them to write ‘BLUE’ with a blue crayon, ‘RED’ with a red and so on. You can also introduce games to improve handwriting practice. For example, play a game of discovering a new word every day. Tell him that every day he needs to write anything new he comes across like the ‘CLOCK’ or the ‘BED’ and reward him with something like a candy with each new discovery. Appreciation will help him gain interest in doing it repeatedly and you will no longer have to be pushing them. Create special and unique handwriting practice worksheets with Startwrite’s unique writing tool and help your kids learn in an interesting manner.

Teach him the different styles

Introducing your child to the different types and styles of writing will not only help in his learning process but will also let him understand that there is variety in writing too! Teach him the ‘capital letters’ first and gradually as he masters them teach the ‘small letters’, the single digit numerals and the cursive writing. The best handwriting worksheets help in the ways on how to improve cursive handwriting for kids. The customized handwriting worksheets will make kids just love handwriting and it will no longer be a nightmare to them.




startwriteindia.com, a custom handwriting learning software for lower, upper & primary nursery kids that help to create the kind of practice sheets.