Guiding your child to start writing an alphabet

4 min readJun 29, 2018


What has been the most difficult part in teaching your child how to write? Well, most parents and tutors really find it hard to teach the correct way to teach a child to write. While many toddlers struggle understanding whether to start writing a letter upward or from left to right, many do not understand where to start on a page. These may seem serious to you but think about your child who barely knows anything about directions and margin! To him they are mere figures of various shape and sizes.

To help you out with this, we at Startwrite bring to you the most amazing and helpful guide for your child to learn writing. With the best handwriting worksheets help your child and guide him write his first alphabet in a seamless manner. All you need is to create your child’s own worksheet, print it and give it to him to practice.

Teaching where to start from

Handwriting practice sheet

Most children struggle to understand where to start writing from in a page. They find it very difficult to understand whether all the strokes of an ‘A’ need to be written from the right or left? To make this easy and even interesting to understand so that the child retains in his memory create a worksheet using the decision dots, arrow and strokes.You can also use color to highlight the decision dots to make him understand well sing.

Decision dots: The decision dots are very helpful in making your child understand where to start the letter from and what is the prominent point of this letter.

Arrows: They are the guiding lines that help him follow his pencil or crayon. The various strokes of a particular letter need to be always written correctly. The arrows help in this regard.

Strokes: They are very decisive in making him understand each letter. For example it is the stroke of ‘T’ that makes it so differentiating it from ‘I’.

Use of grids

The use of grids is very essential in making your child learn how to Improve handwriting. The grids give him a definite space marking within which he is supposed to write. Initially you may give him a full sheet of paper to practice writing but, gradually introduce the grid line with the handwriting practice sheet and make him write the alphabets and numerals within it. While creating a worksheet on the tool you can view the grid but to the child it will appear are the ‘four line area’ within which the letter is to be written.

Area highlights

These are features in a Startrwrite tool that helps you color code an area within the grids to make your child learn to write better. Suppose you have a four letter grid, then, you get three grids. You can use light yellow color for the first grid, light blue for the second and light brown for the third. The ascending strokes of ‘b’, ‘d’, ‘h’ will fall in the first grid, ‘a’, ‘c’, ‘e’, ‘u’ in the second and the descending strokes of ‘j’, ‘p’, ‘y’ etc. will fall in the third. In this way you can help him to practice and improve handwriting.

Images are helpful

Young children find it very interesting to see pictures and images in their worksheets. Visual images and pictures act as motivators to help the child practice and Improve handwriting. The handwriting for kids worksheets can be designed using the pictures, images and graphical figures making the activity fulfilled. An image of a cap is way more interesting than a ‘CAP’. You can also design page borders of the worksheet using an image making the entire practice sheet visually very appealing.

It is always important that kids learn to write in a correct way. It’s not just enough to give him a pencil and force him down to sit and work on his handwriting. Instead, give him carefully designed and customized handwriting worksheets and make his learning bring a big smile on his face!

[Please note: While writing this piece specially attention is given to the specific features of Startwrite tool that helps starting to write the letters easy. Therefore the images or video inks corresponding to those can be used.]



StartWriteIndia, a custom handwriting learning software for lower, upper & primary nursery kids that help to create the kind of practice sheets.