Making learning fun with rhymes in combination with handwriting

3 min readDec 6, 2018


Handwriting learning is a very important aspect for kid’s development. By learning to write the different types of letters and numbers, children can learn to meaningfully express and communicate. Handwriting learning worksheets also helps a child to effectively develop all the faculties necessary for language development.

Learning needs to be interesting to be fruitful

Children have a very imaginative and creative mind and they love any fun filled activity. In order to make their handwriting lessons full of benefits for them, it is very necessary that they are made enjoyable at the same time. By simply giving them handwriting lessons that are only full of texts, handwriting lessons will yield no results.

Therefore, it becomes very necessary that a child is taught how to write neatly in order to make him learn well. With the use of colorful pictures, images, playful activities etc. handwriting learning can be made interesting for a child.

Use of rhymes adds a new dimension to learning

Children love to learn anything interesting and enjoyable. Rhyme is such a way in which children can not only learn new things but also learn it in a more fun manner. Rhymes are also a great way to tell stories to kids and also teach morality to them because most of the rhymes often have something or the other to teach to kids.

Therefore you can explore the benefits of rhymes and combine them with handwriting lessons to make their learning to write the alphabets and numbers really very full of fun. You can do it in this way.

Prepare a lesson plan with each alphabet and choose some of the most popular kindergarten rhymes starting with the similar letters. You can also sing aloud the rhymes to them in order to teach them. You can make use of the different handwriting worksheets for kids and the make them form the letters one by one.

This will help you convert their handwriting exercises to some fun exercises which will always motivate them to learn more.

Rhymes also help in boosting imagination and creativity

Rhymes are a great way to boost the imagination and creativity in children. We often see that there are many rhymes found in the form of books which have beautiful and catchy pictures as well. This also help to make kids develop their imagination.

Apart from this rhymes are also available in catchy tunes and music for children in addition to innovative handwriting learning practice sheets that are not only very attractively designed for kids but are also made keeping in mind the need to form the different formations of alphabets.



StartWriteIndia, a custom handwriting learning software for lower, upper & primary nursery kids that help to create the kind of practice sheets.