Deception: The Layers of Lies and Deceit

4 min readJan 24, 2020


What is the truth?

There are two people in this world. Those who lie and those who tell the truth. Yet, it can be difficult to differentiate between the two. One of them can so easily deceive you while the other one can cause you to be distraught because you don’t enjoy what you hear. The truth can often feel like the lie and vice versa. So, how do we find the difference between the two? You can’t.

Picture taken from a Medium Post about Truth

So, we’re stuck in this predicament. Who do we trust and why do people lie? Well, it’s simple. We can trust ourselves, no? We know our thoughts and trust ourselves. However, what if we put on our masks and hide from our true nature and being. What if we lie to ourselves as well?

There are multiple sides to a story. Some people may try to warp the story and use it for their benefit. Some people may explain their story unbiased without the intent of benefiting themselves. However, there will always be more than one “side” to a story.

There is one simple answer though. You can choose to make the truth or lie whatever you want it to be. You can either make it negative or make it positive depending on the situation. However, remember that,

“The truth lies in the eyes of the beholder.” — Ruth Hubbard, Science, Facts, and Feminism

The truth is what you make it out to be.

No Face Plush featuring Spirited Away

In our lives, we will have people who will support us and guide us in what we aspire to do with our lives as well. They will want to be our friends and be there along our journeys towards new findings and perhaps a better life. Good friends stay there until the end and never try to benefit from you.

However, there are always those few people who put on a mask and hide their true nature from us. This is called deception, and we don’t know that they have an ulterior motive or some type of “thing” they want from us. They put on this mask pretending to be our friends but in reality, they want to benefit themselves by abusing or using us.

I’ll talk about an experience I had with a group of friends. I would always hang out with them because they made me feel accepted and wanted. It would always be a superb time because we would always laugh and joke around about weird topics. However, there would always be that one person who you would see hang out with you just because they wanted your homework answers and have a good time. But, I didn’t know that because they would put on a mask and pretend to be my friend. The only reason they stayed around was because they wanted homework answers and if you take that part of the equation away then they leave you.

Those who we trust most can be the people who deceive us. Credit: Creative Commons

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” — Sun Tzu, The Art of War

The person I am describing can also be described in our society as the worst people in our society because we don’t whether or not if they are truly wholehearted people. We see their facades and they hide their true beings under the many layers. More often than not, they will abuse us and try to take advantage of you. Some of us will be blind to it and there will be people who will put an end to it. However, we need to see beyond their lies and do something about it.

So, how do we avoid all of this? There will always be deception lurking in the shadows. There will always be lies and deceit within our society. However, you must be willing to live with it and make the world a better place. You can choose who you hang out with and never be the monster that you never fear of. Choose people who are a good influence and aspire to be as good as them. Better yet, aspire to be better and just be an overall better person. As humans, we all have our flaws and our little “things” that we need to work on.

Lastly, we all have our masks. Every single one of us go through our day putting on a mask, struggling through our problems and stress. However, we push it off to the side and lie to ourselves that everything is okay. But, in reality, that’s not okay.

People tell us that it’s okay, and we go with it lying to ourselves. Sometimes, we’re lying to ourselves and we don’t even know it. That’s why we need good friends. They’ll tell us the truth and we need to acknowledge that the truth can hurt sometimes. It helps us realize what we need help with and to fix our problems.




I am an space enthusiast among other things such as a blogger. I write for fun and I do not have any special degrees in writing.