Apple’s event in Cupertino announcing the iPhone 5s and a lot of other models

Why The iPhone SE Model Is Great — And Not a Step Back

Stefan Tasevski
5 min readMar 22, 2016

Yesterday, Apple released their brand new model, the iPhone SE, among other major releases. Traditionally, just like every new release — all the savvy media journalists and Apple fans gathered in the Cupertino headquarters to see this year’s first novelty from Apple.

And it happened. Aside from the brand new iPad Pro, the latest iOS 9.3 update and the price reduction of the Apple Watch — the world once again stood still to see the new iPhone.

The iPhone SE is a ‘special edition’ model, but not so special according to the critics. Why?

Because Apple once again revealed the ‘same old same’ design as seen in the iPhone 5s model. Yes, it’s exactly the same — with the difference in the color palette, that now features the new Rose Gold color.

All of the iPhone SE colors (

And then it started. The traditional online Apple vs. Android battle began. However this time, Apple was short on their ‘soldiers’ — because apparently, even the Apple fans and users did not want to see a new model that looks exactly the same like the 2014 model.

What I noticed is that people only care for the design. Yeah, the mirror selfies will be just the same as 2 years ago, and no one will know that your iPhone is actually a SE model, and not a 5s one.

Well no one, except you. But…

It’s Not All About The Design

Let’s face it — the design plays a huge role in a product. It is the inevitable thing that sets something apart and gives it a unique value. It is making a leap forward and bringing something new. And with the SE model, Apple did not bring anything new, except a new color.

Apple’s iPhone 5SE in Rose Gold

But hey, it’s not all about the design! If design matters a lot to you, you can wait a few months and pray upon the brand new iPhone 7. And if the features are not what you are aiming for as well, let’s once again face it…

It’s Not All About The Features

First of all, the iPhone SE is a 4-inch phone. This opposes the common fact that every new edition of a phone should be bigger. So where are you now, ‘size’ freaks?

And, it’s just a lot more than a standard 4-inch model. As Apple likes to call it, it’s ‘the most powerful 4-inches in your pocket’, as crazy as it may sound.

Apple’s brand new iPhone 5SE model (

Packed with an A9 chip, Touch ID, Apple Pay Support and a wonderful 12 megapixel camera, the iPhone SE is definitely batter when it comes to the standard iPhone 6, and competes well with the iPhone 6s as well.

If you were looking for a better set of features with it, we’re sorry. The design is the same — and the features are the same. However, their combination is what makes this model powerful. Also, the combination is what makes it a revolutionary model for many other people.

Revolutionary my ass — is probably what you are thinking now. But Apple disagrees with you. And here is the whole story.

Apple’s Story Behind The iPhone 5SE — Who Is It For And What Does It Do

For me, Apple once again proved that it is a company that fits to every interest, taste and budget. And this year, the iPhone SE is the win-win situation for all of these aspects.

Apple’s Tricky Stock Price

As you probably know, Apple’s stock price was $132.07 on July 20, 2015 — just after the release of their iPhone 6s model. You can see that on the image below.

Apple’s stock price on July 20, 2015 — just after the release of the 6s model

However, on January 27th, 2 months before yesterday’s event was announced, the price of Apple’s stock was at one of its lowest points in the past few years, holding at $93.42. This was due to the over-saturated marketplace due to the crazy sales of the iPhone 6s model.

Apple’s stock price on January 27, 2016

‘So, what to do and get over this crisis?’ — is what Tim Cook and his fellas were thinking at that time. Fortunately, they came with an answer, and that answer was to announce a new event taking place on March 21st, 2016.

And shortly after that, the stock prices of Apple was booming. It went up to$106 just before yesterday, the event that introduced the newest iPhone SE. And once again, it is going up as we speak.

The current Apple’s stock price at this moment

So, what is the whole science behind all this?

According to Apple and their analytics, the company is still not able to take over the marketplace in India, China and Brazil (as well as other parts in South America). This is mainly due to the lower buying power — which is tricked with Apple’s ridiculously high prices.

So…What do you do when a huge part of the Indians, Chinese and South Americans cannot actually afford the iPhone 6 and 6s models?

The answer is — build a new model with existing parts and update it to the latest technology and features. And that, my friends, is how the iPhone SE was born. With a starting price of $399, it is the first Apple phone that went under the $500 price. And eventually, it might be the model that acts as the bridge to a new revolution — and 3 big marketplaces.

Why The New iPhone SE May Be For You

If you have never had an iPhone, the SE may come as a great model to you. It’s small, amazingly portable and packs in the latest technology. The only restraint may be that it does not have the Force Touch technology. But hey, it’s not a big deal.

Apple’s target audience for the brand new iPhone SE are not only people from India, China or Brazil. The model is for everyone who got lost having a bigger phone over the years, with their pockets staying the same. It’s for all those people who don’t like the burden of carrying a 6-inch phone with them all of the time, bust still want the newest features.

Are you one of those people?

If yes is your answer, we have come to a conclusion. Apple’s new iPhone SE may fit your needs like a glove.

