Courtesy: Google

My Coke Addiction
2 min readNov 22, 2018

Okay, I love junk. I eat junk a whole lot, or I used to. It got to a point where I realized that I had to help myself. Apart from the fact that this eating lifestyle was unhealthy, it kept zapping away my money. I sat down one morning and tried to calculate how much I had spent on coke in just six months but just the mental calculation made me want to cry. Let’s not even talk about the occasional shawarma and Suya that became a habit because the Suya man decided to open up a stand just by my street.

Mind you, I was always almost broke but never too broke for coke. So, one day, I sat down and came up with a method that helped me. I asked myself a question. That eighty naira I use in buying coke almost everyday, what will happen if I save it? I keep on saying I don’t have extra money to save, but I always had money for coke.

Immediately, I opened an account with and started saving just my coke money. Eighty naira per day. Let me not lie, I did not completely stop drinking coke, but now, I started saving and buying coke only when I had saved my daily eighty naira and still had change.

See? I cut down on my junk addiction, started my savings and even though I did not check, I know I lost weight from consuming less coke. I was amazed by how much I had saved at the end of the year. Now, I can even open up a coke shop if I want to, just from my savings.

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