Courtesy: Dailytrust

The Challenge of A Single Mother
2 min readNov 17, 2018

As a single mother of two, one of the things I am constantly worrying about, is my financial stability for me and the kids. There is a constant thought on how to meet their basic needs, give them the good things of life and secure our future financially.

Working a 9–5 job and a bit of side hustle, I have managed to sustain the family so far. My kids are well dressed, have a pretty good roof over their heads, eat good food and go to great schools. Admittedly, all these do not come cheap and once in a while, I go broke and cannot offer them all those side attractions children love like ice cream, Disney World, getting them their favourite toys or buying things they would like or ask for that were important.

It was really a struggle having to stretch my salary and hustle pay to cover all ends and when I deny them small treats, the look on their faces broke my heart that I wished there was a place I had money stashed away and could run to for these type of situations.

Well, of course, there was, I just did not discover until a year ago. Thanks to, I have been able to save for not just rainy days but days when the family needs a break. With their savings feature which saving for a child, I have been able to open account for both children and store as little as N70 and as high as any amount on a basis dictated by me.

See? No pressure!

Download Savings App today from Playstore and experience freedom



Stash is a savings platform that enables you save your money daily, weekly, monthly or causally for as low as N70, N500, N2000 and N5000 respectively.