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The Saving Struggle!!
2 min readNov 22, 2018

Survival is a Nigerian and the struggle is real. As a young person who is just starting up in life, I have found myself in very tight financial situations over the years. The way money comes and leaves my hands, leaves me wondering why I even became an adult. This adulthood thing is not for the fainthearted.

On some days, I’d wake up to realize that I can’t even afford money for my transportation to work. It’s not as if I don’t get paid at work o. Money comes in occasionally from sources, but it is never enough. What baffles me is that sometimes, I cannot even point out one tangible thing I did with my money. I’ll go out with ten thousand naira today and the next day, I’ll be looking for five hundred naira for transportation.

So, I adopted a new method that has helped me tremendously. Do you realize that almost everyday, we come back home with some change from money we spent when we went out? I have a daily budget for how much I go out with, so, whenever I come back home with change be it one hundred or two hundred or even fifty naira, I’d just pick up my phone, log in to my piggy bank on, and save that change I came back home with.

At the end of the year, the money I saved from change blew my mind away. It was huge. The beauty in this is that I did not have to inconvenience myself in order to save. It is all on accumulation of negligible money that has now become sizable enough to be useful. See? Do not underrate that daily change you come back home with. Save it.

Instagram: @officialstashng

Twitter: @officialstashng




Stash is a savings platform that enables you save your money daily, weekly, monthly or causally for as low as N70, N500, N2000 and N5000 respectively.