Development Update #5–05.03.19

State Channels
2 min readMay 3, 2019


Here’s a summary of updates from the last two weeks:

🤜 🤛 Connext building on Counterfactual

shared standards ftw

Earlier this week we announced that Connext will be building their v 2.0 on top of the Counterfactual framework. Over the last several weeks, we have been spending significant time working with the Connext team to on-board them to Counterfactual and help understand how they will be using it.

We see this as a major step forward for the adoption of open-source state channel frameworks as standards across the Ethereum ecosystem. You can read more in the announcement post here, and stay tuned for more information as work progresses!

⚙️ Continued development of cf-wallet

cf-wallet is a javascript library used by wallet authors to build integrations with our Node software:

  • Added support for new methods: deposit, withdraw, createChannel, and getFreeBalanceState
  • Added tests for new methods, as well as revised old tests to support new a new RPC format

🦊 Metamask integration & Getting Started Guide

  • We have a functional build of our Metamask integration that is being tested
  • We have a draft “Getting Started Guide” that we are reviewing internally, and will release alongside the Metamask integration

🗽 Counterfactual takes Manhattan

  • Part of the Counterfactual team will be in NYC for the month of May, attending ETHNewYork and other events.
  • Let us know if you’d like to meet up! You can reach us in our chat on Discord.

Get involved, or get in touch

If you’re interested in following along, or getting involved, you can follow on GitHub or talk to us on Discord.



State Channels

Working hard to help developers build useable distributed applications.