Young people who have benefited from State Theatre Company’s Education Program.

Theatre changed our lives

Many of us at State Theatre Company of South Australia remember the wonder that accompanies early experiences of theatre. We have witnessed the impact it can have and the impression it leaves. These experiences can be life-changing.

We asked some of our young Education Program participants to share their thoughts on how theatre has enriched and changed their lives.

Left to right: Zofia, Dylan & Louis.

“There is something fascinating about knowing you will never see that exact performance again.” — Zofia

“The connection between actor and audience is electric — I feel that.” — Dylan

“Theatre has shown me the power of words and the importance of stories.” — Louis

Left to right: Nikola, Bekka & Taron.

“Theatre helps us empathise and connect with people we normally wouldn’t.” — Nikola

“Theatre makes me more comfortable to be me.” — Bekka

“The diversity of theatre gives our life meaning.” — Taron

You can help us make a positive impact on young South Australians by improving access to extraordinary theatre experiences that open their hearts and fire their imaginations.

By choosing to donate to State Theatre Company’s 2019 end of financial year campaign, you’ll support our renowned Education Program.

Your gift will provide affordable access to theatre for students in disadvantaged schools and remote communities. You will enable South Australia’s best artists to collaborate on programs, workshops and resources to expand the experience of theatre for students and teachers.

Above all, you will help make theatre that entertains, challenges and inspires young audiences.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Please donate online or email for more information. A

Thank you again for your support and helping to change lives through the magic and wonder of theatre.

